[INDO SUB] Departemen Keadilan (Enforcement Department) EP01 | Luo Jin/Yang Zishan | YOUKU

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 1] [Qinggang City, Jiangnan Province] Our court’s Party Leadership Group has been studying the challenges of the Enforcement Department. The enforcement of cases is not just a challenge for our Qinggang Court, but also for courts across the country. Enforcement is difficult. Staff is scarce. The backlog of court cases is substantial. This is our current situation. Initially, we designated the 2nd Enforcement Division as a pilot and formed a team mainly composed of young judges, hoping their enthusiasm and vigor could pave a new path for it. Didn’t we already do that? Confirm it with her. Go ahead. Chief Judge Chu. I have something to report to you. Go ahead. Qi Runyu, the owner of Yucheng Pig Trotter Rice Restaurant that we’re executing today, is the aunt of Judge Qi Lin in our Criminal Division. What do you mean to say? Since we all work in the same court and see each other all the time, don’t we need to inform our leadership or inform Judge Qi in advance? Is it okay for us to set out directly? Is there any problem? Do you all think so too? Who judged this case? Judge Zhang Li from the 1st Civil Division delivered the notice of the court session in April, but the defendant refused to appear in court. When Judge Zhang made the verdict, did he also need to inform the leadership in advance? Did he also need to inform Judge Qi in advance? If Judge Qi disagrees, does that mean this case won’t be judged? The case has already been judged. The procedures are complete. What we’re doing is enforcement. Any other questions? None. [Court] To tackle the problem of enforcement, we are planning to implement a rotation system. We will select outstanding judges from various departments of our court to assist the 2nd Enforcement Division through rotation on a semi-annual basis. President Tang, the rotation system is indeed a timely help. We’ve all been expecting it eagerly. It finally arrived. Just tell us, who’s the first to be sent to our 2nd Enforcement Division? Qi Lin! Qi Lin! Morning, Senior. You’re here just in time. I was about to find you. Let me treat you to dinner tonight. Great! Oh, tonight doesn’t work for me. I have a trial tomorrow morning. I need to prepare for it tonight. Come on. Despite the trial tomorrow, will having dinner tonight hold you up? It’s settled. I’ll find you after work and we can go together. [Yucheng Pig Trotter Rice Restaurant] Sorry for the wait. Please enjoy your meal. Who’s Fang Qiang? Fang Qiang isn’t here. He’s my son. I’m his mother. Do you need him for something? I’m from the Enforcement Department of Qinggang Court, I’m Judge Chu Yun. Hello. We’re here today to conduct a pre-auction investigation on the property involved at No. 5, Zhongren Road. Please cooperate with us. Auction? This property is mine. It’s registered under my name. It has nothing to do with my son. It used to be yours, but not anymore. Why are you filming us? Don’t snatch it. Could you stop him? What do you mean? – What do you mean? – Yeah. Qi Runyu. On January 7th this year, you and Fang Qiang processed the property transfer procedures at the Real Estate Trading Center. Property transfer? No. Here’s a copy of the property certificate and the transfer contract. Take a look. No way. When did I transfer it? On January 12th, Fang Qiang mortgaged the house at No. 5, Zhongren Road, Qinggang also known as this restaurant, to Kuaixiang Financial Loan Company for a mortgage loan. But he failed to repay on time, so Kuaixiang sued in our court. After the court’s judgment, Fang Qiang didn’t appeal. The judgment is now final and enters the enforcement process. Since Fang Qiang didn’t fulfill it proactively, the court has ruled to seal and auction off this property. Please vacate the storefront within seven days. If not, we will enforce it. No… Wait… You’re confusing me. I’m getting confused. What loan? What enforcement? And what seven days? There must be a misunderstanding! – It’s a mistake! – It’s really a mistake! We were not aware of this entire process. – That’s right. – Indeed. It’s a mistake! – We knew nothing about it! – Stay calm. Stay calm! Fang Qiang is your son, right? – Yes. – Yeah. We haven’t been able to contact him. You should find a way to reach him and ask him to clarify. – Let’s call him. – Call him. Oh yeah, the phone is here. Is the takeaway ready? Please hurry. I’ll go get it. We’re not selling anymore. Another order gone! You should cancel it yourselves to avoid customer complaints about me. Got it. You can leave. Is the call connected? I’ve been dialing but he’s not answering. That little brat! This is the first shot. We must fire it. Based on the court’s Party Leadership Group’s discussion, there are two criteria for selecting candidates. The first is strong expertise, demonstrated by not only a high case closure rate but also a low complaint rate. The second is age. Considering the 2nd Enforcement Division is served by a team of young judges, our judges for rotation shouldn’t be too old, either. This way, there will be no generation gap and it ensures there’s rich work experience. The upper limit is set at 36 years old. Vice President Ma, just tell us who’s the first to come. I’m anxious to death. Look how anxious you are. After studying, although Vice President Ma and Chief Judge Zhao are very reluctant, for the overall situation, our first recommendation for rotation is Judge Qi Lin from our Criminal Division. The trial is starting now. Summon the defendant Zhou Youmin to court. [Defendant] Prosecutor, please read the indictment. Thank you, Presiding Judge. This case was investigated and concluded by Qinggang Public Security Bureau with the defendant Zhou Youmin accused of intentional injury transferred to this court for prosecution on 1 March, 2023. [Prosecutor] After a lawful examination, it was found that on 20 January, 2023, around 6 PM, Defendant Zhou Youmin went to collect a debt and had a dispute with the victim Zheng Xiaonie about repayment matters. Then Zhou Youmin used a dagger to stab Zheng Xiaonie’s waist seven times, causing Zheng Xiaonie’s kidney to rupture. The circumstances are extremely serious. [Yucheng Pig Trotter Rice Restaurant] Ms. Qi Runyu, we’re starting our work now. Ms. Judge, I want to tell you that this house is mine. My nephew is named Qi Lin. He bought it for me. Qi Lin is also a judge at your Qinggang Court. You might even know each other. It really isn’t Fang Qiang’s house. You just said this house isn’t Fang Qiang’s? It isn’t. Ye Xuan, give me the contract. Take a look at the signature on this contract. Isn’t it yours? I just looked at it. I really didn’t sign this contract. And I didn’t transfer this house. Are you sure? If this signature was forged by Fang Qiang, he might face criminal charges. Runyu, did you forget it? This signature was signed by you! I was there at the scene. Quick, tell the judge this signature was signed by you. Otherwise, Fang Qiang might go to jail. It’s all your fault! You spoiled him. This house is mine, I won’t move. If you have any other opinions or demands, you can raise objections as an unrelated Party. But now, you have to cooperate with our work. Don’t hinder our enforcement. Within seven days, please vacate everything in this house. I can’t vacate this house! This house is mine. My nephew Qi Lin bought it for me. Didn’t I tell you? He’s a judge. Why don’t you go ask him? Don’t mention Qi Lin to me. This matter has nothing to do with your nephew. What I’m asking for now is for you to vacate everything in this house within seven days. Zhou Lei. How is it? Are you satisfied? Yes! I’m very satisfied! Great. The rotation starts from the day of registration for a period of six months. President Tang, Don’t start counting from registration. Let’s start counting from the next quarter. There’s less than a month left. It’s easier to count this way. Why not start counting from the new year? Great, Vice President Ma! Let’s start counting from the new year. That’s more convenient for us. Zhou Lei. Are you trying to take advantage? Do you know how hard it is to persuade Chief Judge Zhao to send Qi Lin over to your side? Count it from the day of registration! Drink some water. I don’t want it. Look at yourself! Auntie, since Fang Qiang has been refusing to contact the court, from the stage of the court trial until now, we’re here today to post the auction notice. Because you’re Fang Qiang’s immediate relative, please sign on this receipt to receive the auction ruling instead. What are you doing? How can we sign such a thing casually? Just sign it as he wishes? We won’t sign it. Ms. Qi Runyu, what we need to explain to you, we’ve already explained it all. I’ll emphasize it again. Please vacate everything in this house within seven days. Otherwise, we’ll enforce it. Did you hear that clearly? Ye Xuan, post the ruling and notice. Understood. What’s this about? Give it to me! Don’t resort to violence. You can’t post it! Let go! Give it to me. Don’t let him post it! Stop it. Calm down! If I lose my house, how will I explain to Qi Lin? Auntie! Listen to me. We really can’t snatch this. You will break the law if you snatch it. What law am I breaking? Step aside! You’re a police officer, right? You want to arrest me for breaking the law, right? Go ahead, arrest me! It’s a society ruled by law. What are you doing? I refuse to believe there’s nowhere for me to seek justice. We can’t act like this. What are you doing? Why are you causing trouble? Don’t you understand? Once it’s posted, it’s a done deal. Then we’ll lose our house! This… Let’s see who dares to post it! Ms. Qi Runyu, I’m reminding you, don’t obstruct our official duties. Ye Xuan, post it! How dare you! Who dares? Don’t take stuff to confront them! If you dare to take my house, I’ll show you! – I’ll fight you to the end! – Runyu… Let me go! Who dares? Please calm down! Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! Don’t use force! Auntie… you need to calm down! Calm down, Auntie! Make way! No! [Notice] Director General Zhou, I need to talk to you. I’ll find you in a moment. Quickly. To be honest, I’m really grateful to you. I invite you both to dinner at my house this weekend. I’ll cook myself. I’ll toast you with water, okay? Okay. Stop playing coy. It’s just regular work, not private deals. Anyway, my thanks are clear. Remember, return the person to me after six months. Vice President Ma! You’re already talking about that even before he starts serving. You’re not considerate! Zhou Lei. Since you’re well-fueled, I’m expecting your "car" to be both fast and steady. I’ve assigned you the judge with the highest case closure rate for three consecutive years in our court, so I expect results. Just wait and see. Liu Jinsong’s case is under review. Don’t mess up the procedure. Report the latest injury assessment to me as soon as possible. Understood. Hello? Qi Lin. Vice President Ma, what is the matter? Please come to my office immediately. Alright, I’ll head over now. Go about your business. Okay. Judge Qi, wait a moment! What’s up, Li? Quick, go check at the main gate. Your uncle is here, but he can’t reach you. Something seems to have happened to your family. Okay, thank you. Qi Lin! What’s going on, Uncle? What are you so busy with? I’ve been waiting here for you for so long. What’s the matter? Your aunt was brought here by the Enforcement Department. They said they’re going to seal our restaurant and auction it off. Seal the restaurant? Why? From what I heard, Fang Qiang… mortgaged our house. They’re giving us seven days to vacate the house. Your aunt fought with them when hearing this. Did my aunt really hit someone? How dare she hit anyone? She just argued with them, and then, they put her in the car. Qi Lin, I’m not worried about anything else, but your aunt’s heart condition isn’t good, and her back isn’t either. When she was taken away, she didn’t even have a thick coat. Can staying there be as comfortable as staying at home? Please quickly think of a way or find someone. We’ll do whatever it takes to get her out. Vice President Ma, you asked for me? Judge Qi, it’s not easy to meet you now. It takes so many invitations. I happen to have something to report to you. Have a seat. Do you want me to report to you first or you to me? Please instruct. Have you heard of our court’s rotation system? Yes, I have. You’re very lucky. Among all the young judges across all departments in the court, you were the first one selected. Me? Remember, you’re sent from the Criminal Division. You’re my soldier. You absolutely cannot embarrass me. Have you finished talking about your matter? Then I’ll report my situation. Sure, go ahead. My aunt’s family runs a restaurant. This morning, the officers of the Enforcement Department conducted enforcement there, but my aunt, who has a bit of a temper, got into a conflict with them during the process. Then she was brought to the court by the enforcement officers. What happened? My cousin has a case being handled by our court. I have no objections to the judgment and enforcement. However, my uncle said my aunt wasn’t emotionally stable when she was taken away today. She has high blood pressure and heart disease. You know, my aunt to me is just like my mother. I know, as a judge, I shouldn’t be involved in this, but as a child, I’m really worried about her health. So I want to ask you if I can go see her. Based on the comparison of multiple accounts, in the past two months, Li Ren has multiple records of gambling in Macau, China, and the amounts involved are substantial. The enforcement of Li Ren’s case has been dragged on for too long, and he has rich experience in hindering us. Dishonest enforcees like him must be firmly dealt with. Wait a moment. Hello, Vice President Ma. Today, did you conduct enforcement on a restaurant called Yucheng Pig Trotter Rice Restaurant with Qi Runyu as the owner? Yes. Qi Runyu is the aunt of Judge Qi Lin from our Criminal Division. Qi Lin is an orphan raised by his aunt since childhood. Do you know this situation? Should I know it? What does this have to do with me? Just because he is an orphan, then I need to seek his consent before enforcement? Chu Yun, why are you so blunt? The bond between Qi Lin and his aunt is like a mother-son relationship. Now, as a son, he wants to visit his aunt, isn’t that acceptable? I’m informing you now that Qi Lin has requested permission from me to visit his aunt through our organizational procedures. I’ve also investigated this case. Qi Runyu didn’t show any extreme behavior. Besides, she is in poor health condition. I’m calling you to ask you to receive Qi Lin and hear what he has to say, absolutely with no intention of interfering with the work of your Enforcement Department. Understood. Chief Judge Chu, I’m Qi Lin from the Criminal Division. Can I have a word with you? No, you can’t. I know why you’re here. First, if you want to intervene in this case, please fill out a form for intervening in others’ cases and submit it to the discipline and supervision department. Secondly, if you have objections to the property ownership registration, you can inquire with the property registration department. Finally, if you have objections to our enforcement, you can raise them with the objection department. Judge Qi, your actions have already affected our work. Do you realize that? Well, I’ve already reported to Chief Judge Zhao, the head of our Criminal Division, and to Vice President Ma, who oversees the Criminal Division. Before coming here, I consulted with Director General Zhou of your Enforcement Department too. They all agreed to my visit here. You’re the handling judge. If you agree, I’d like to see my aunt. And there’s one more thing I need to explain to you. My parents passed away early, and I was raised by my aunt since childhood. The property under enforcement was bought for my aunt with the money from selling the house my parents left me. I purchased the house, but the property ownership belongs to my aunt. And my cousin… Judge Qi, stop. Does your family situation have anything to do with the enforcement of this case? Why didn’t you explain all these matters to Judge Zhang Li before? I respect Judge Zhang Li’s ruling, and that’s why I didn’t know anything about the case until the enforcement. I only learned about the outcome when you started the enforcement. I came here today mainly because I want to see my aunt and comfort her. I’m here not as a judge, but as a nephew. Judge Qi, we’re both wearing judge’s uniforms. You say you’re not here as a judge? That’s quite amusing. For this matter, you’ve approached Chief Judge Zhao and Director General Zhou. Just now, Vice President Ma even called me personally. What’s the point? Are you trying to leverage your connections to pressure me? When you’re doing these things, what’s your identity? Are you acting as a nephew or as a judge? I’m here to discuss this with you. If you don’t agree, I won’t insist. We’re both judges. Why speak to me in such a sarcastic tone? Besides, I’m not trying to interfere with the work of your Enforcement Department. You did want to. Let me tell you, I’m not coming here to take shortcuts or to use connections. I simply want to see my aunt. She’s not well. She has high blood pressure and heart disease. As her nephew, I’m very concerned about her. Is that too much to ask? If you can’t even understand this basic concern, then you’re really lacking in compassion! Judge Qi, this is a place of law. Why are you talking to me about compassion? Sorry, I have work to do. Ouyang Lulu, inform Shao Jun to assign more police force. This time, we can’t let Li Ren escape again. Understood. Meeting adjourned. Yan Anyang. That auntie Qi Runyu we just brought back today, she may may have heart disease. Go find a doctor from the community clinic to come and check on her. If she’s really unwell, take her to the hospital. Notify the judicial police of detention room that relatives are now permitted to visit Qi Runyu. Understood. Hello? Are you Judge Qi Lin from the Criminal Division? Yes, I am. Who is this? I’m Liu Lei, a judicial policeman from the detention room. I just received a notice from the Enforcement Department that you can now visit Qi Runyu. She behaved badly in the interview room and tore up the records, so she was moved to the detention room. Thank you. Auntie! Qi Lin! I’m here. Come here. Qi Lin. Are you okay? I’m fine. I… I embarrassed you, didn’t I? I don’t have much ability. The proudest thing I’ve done this life is raising you to become a judge. My nephew is a judge, but I ended up in court. So embarrassing. Oh, do you realize this? Are you aware of how serious what you’ve done today is? Then why did they barge in with a bunch of people, telling me to vacate? I felt wronged, too. You’re so old, how can you still wield a weapon? Are you trying to fight to the end? After they brought you to the Enforcement Department, couldn’t you show a better attitude? And you tore up the records. With your skills, if you really fought someone, even if you wouldn’t break their faces, you’d leave claw marks on their faces. The judge told me, from start to finish, they negotiated with you. I was upset when I heard that I had to vacate. Once I’m out, I’ll apologize to that judge sincerely. Tell me the truth, have you transferred the restaurant to Fang Qiang? I haven’t. I really haven’t. Qi Lin, it’s the house you bought for me. How could I transfer it to him? I’ve never mortgaged this house. Auntie, the law doesn’t wrong the innocent. You didn’t mortgage it, but did Fang Qiang? I’ve looked into it. The judge said, they couldn’t reach Fang Qiang and received no response by delivering the notice. The court has evidence that this house has been transferred to Fang Qiang’s name. I’m here. How about going to help him? – Nice! – I can’t get through. Handle it. Stop reinforcing. I’m here. I’m here. [Kuaixiang Financial: Dear Customer:] [Your loan applied for through our company] [has not been repaid on time] Why isn’t there a single teammate? [currently overdue by 190 days] – Reinforce him! – I’m here. Heal me. I’m here. I was asking you to heal me! What are you doing now? Hurry up! What’s the point of reinforcing those soldiers? How should I heal you? Come over here! Help in the mid-way. Quickly! [Baiyun Internet Cafe] Go! Yi Bo! I’m here! Can you keep up? What’s going on? Can you shut your mouth? What’s the problem with you? Say one more word and I’ll hit you! Come on, try it if you dare! Go ahead. Let me tell you, if you don’t dare to hit me today, I’ll hit you. Come on, hit me! – Come on! – Give it a try! Come… – I… – I… You want to fight, huh? You dare to hit me, huh? – Come on! – Let’s fight! Stop it! Stop it, or I’ll call the police! Stop it! I’ll call the police if you don’t stop! Stop it! Stop it. Stop it! Stop it! Who are you? Get out of here quickly. Otherwise, we’ll beat you up too. Sorry! I am his brother. We faced some trouble at home today, so he’s not in a good mood. I apologize on his behalf. Sorry! Are you all okay? – Are you alright? – We’re fine. I’m fine. Okay. We’re all here to have fun. Nobody wants trouble. But, bro, if you have a mad dog at home, you have to keep an eye on him in the future. Don’t let him come out and bite randomly again. Say one more word! So what? Calm down! Shut up. They are five against me! Shut up! Stay calm, everyone. Today, all your expenses here are on me. Go ahead. Continue your game. So sorry. Don’t get mad. Keep playing. Let me tell you, if you hadn’t stopped me today, I would’ve dealt with those guys! Who are you going to deal with? Come on, go ahead! Go ahead! Calm down. Stop! Li Ren, where can you escape? – Stop! – Stop! Halt! Li Ren! Stop! Stop running! [Court] Stop approaching! Stop approaching! Don’t move! Stay back! Li Ren, stay calm! If you come any closer, I’ll jump! Chief Judge Chu. Li Ren. We are judges from Qinggang Court’s Enforcement Department. My name is Chu Yun. We are now enforcing the judgment against your unpaid debts. Please cooperate with our work. Resisting enforcement like this is not beneficial to you in any way. If you have any difficulties, please come down, and let’s talk it over calmly. I have nothing to discuss with you! And I don’t have any money to repay you! Just leave! If I fall, you all are responsible. Li Ren, stay calm. Hold onto the railing tightly. Stay back. Get down! Get down! Shao Jun, step back! Keep your distance from him. He wouldn’t really jump, would he? Haven’t you checked his recent records? He might just be bluffing. He gets a medical check-up twice a year and buys three medical insurance policies. He cherishes his life too much to dare jump. You can escape from us? That restaurant is Auntie’s lifeline. Today, the court notified her of enforcement. Auntie was almost driven to despair. Is my mom fine? You still know to ask about your mom, huh? She was taken away by the court. Do you think she’s fine or not? Great. Are you the one who arrested her? You are a judge. How could you allow my mom to be arrested? You always call her Auntie, and our family funded you to study law in college. How did you become such a heartless person? Turning against your own family, huh? Fang Qiang, if you had any understanding of the law, the situation wouldn’t be like this now. But let me tell you, the law is just. Auntie definitely will be fine, but you might not. Stop trying to scare me. What could happen to me? Come on, tell me. That restaurant belongs to Auntie. How did it end up under your name? Yes, that restaurant was bought by you, but now it belongs to my mom. What belongs to my mom belongs to me. Sooner or later, it will be transferred to my name. Is that illegal? Yes, it is. If you don’t explain to me the whole story today, you can forget about going anywhere! I have no obligation to do so. Auntie said she hadn’t transferred the house to you. If you forged it, do you know the consequences? You’ll go to jail. Then arrest me. If you arrest me, you’ll become your aunt’s real son. Go ahead, arrest me! Arrest me! Fang Qiang, don’t act recklessly with me. Tell me, who manipulated this? You don’t have the brains for this. You mortgaged the house for two million yuan. What did you do with the money? Today, you have to tell me the whole truth! I’ve already told you, they’re just trying to scare you. They won’t really enforce it. At most two months, just hold on for a bit longer, and there’ll be plenty of dividends waiting for you. But before, my phone would ring hundreds of times a day, urging me to repay the loan interest. Now, every time I hear the phone ring, my heart races. Finally, when the phone stops ringing, the court comes looking for me in turn. Nothing serious will happen, right? What could go wrong? You said you wanted shares, and I immediately signed the agreement with you. You said you didn’t have money, but I diligently put in effort and contacted people to help you mortgage that house. Bro, with such a big business here, can I even run away? Tell me, every time you visit, am I not always waiting here for you? Did I ever avoid you? That’s not it. Didn’t you say before that if I gave you all the money I borrowed, you would help me repay the loan interest? But why did I receive messages saying I’ve been overdue for months? Repaying the loan interest even months later than their specified time is absolutely normal. Go ask around yourself, which person who borrowed a loan hasn’t received such calls and messages? Rest assured, there’s nothing wrong. Hold on for two months at most. Once Qinggang Public Welfare gets underway, the financing will be in place immediately. The shares you hold will yield tens of millions in dividends, bro! You’re about to take off. How can you be so clueless? Mr. Ming, it’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s just that I haven’t been through this before, so I’m uncertain. Aren’t we experiencing it now? Once we’ve gone through it, won’t we naturally have certainty? Come on, let’s go through it together. It’s Dong Ming. Dong Ming! Do you know him? I forged it? He’s the boss of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. He has the ability to help me with the transfer! And all the documents and procedures are complete. I bought ten percent of the shares from him. In a few months, the entire fitness equipment market in Qinggang City will be dominated by Yongkang! If Yongkang goes public one day, I’ll be an original shareholder! Do you realize how much the stocks will be worth? You fool! Why do you trust him? Why shouldn’t I trust him? Can his factory property escape? What a great deal it is! Auntie has been taken to court now. Is this a good deal? With such a good opportunity, why would they share it with you? Do you have any brains? Can’t you think for yourself? You’ve been deceived! Senior. Judge Qi, you finally answered the phone. What’s going on? You didn’t reply to my messages or answer my calls. And I can’t find you in the office after work. Are you putting on airs like this now? Have you forgotten about our dinner tonight? Tonight really doesn’t work for me. How about we reschedule for another day? I don’t care. No matter what, you must come tonight. Tell me where you are, and I’ll go pick you up. Auntie has been taken to court now. Is this a good deal? I’ve already told you, they’re just trying to scare you. They won’t really enforce it. Once Qinggang Public Welfare gets underway, the shares you hold will yield tens of millions in dividends, bro! With such a good opportunity, why would they share it with you? Do you have any brains? Can’t you think for yourself? You’ve been deceived! [Dong Ming] Hello, the phone you’re calling is not being answered at the moment. Please try again later. Don’t answer my call? Dong Ming, how dare you fool me! Li Ren, there’s no point in dragging this out with us. What you need to do now is come down and go back with us to the Enforcement Department. Then explain your situation, repay the money, and resolve the issue. Did you hear that clearly? What’s my situation? I have no money, how should I repay it? What’s my situation? You have no money? On the fourth of this month, you went to Macau, China to gamble. You lost 383,800 yuan. The person who helped you sneak there is called Li Chaofan. You stayed at the Galaxy Hotel. Do you want me to continue? You also know I lost, right? Yeah, I lost! So, I have no money. How can I repay it? Li Ren, the court has restricted your travel. Sneaking into Macau, China privately is already illegal behavior. Do you want to go to the police station or come back to court and talk to us? You didn’t use to be like this. What happened? Did you get a raise? Why are you pushing me to death? Look, everyone! The court is forcing someone to jump! I’m telling you, if I fall, you’ll all be responsible! [Lanxin Beauty Salon] Dong Ming! I’m busy now. What are you busy with? What are you doing? Are you crazy? This is the account book! Account book? There’s not a penny coming in. What kind of account book is this? All my money went into filling the hole of your factory. What should I do with the hole in my beauty salon now? When will you fill it up for me? What’s yours and what’s mine? Did I not invest in your beauty salon? So, when I had money before, you were clinging to me every day, and now that I’ve run into some trouble, you’re arguing with me over these small accounts? Fine. I know you’re annoyed with me now. I’ll leave. I’m leaving. When trouble strikes, we just flee separately. Fine, leave! Once you’re gone, don’t ever come back! I should’ve known you weren’t reliable. If those debt collectors come again, just let them push me to death. I deserve it, is this enough? Why escalate things like this? You’re anxious, but I’m even more anxious. It’s always you pushing me. When have I ever pushed you? Didn’t I tell you? If those debt collectors come again, just hide for a while. As long as we get through this period, I’ll have money in no time. After I pay off the wages owed to the workers in the factory, I’ll give you the rest of the money. Who knows if what you’re saying is true or not? Didn’t I tell you? The trial of Zhou Youmin’s case is about to conclude. I’ve already contacted the presiding judge in his case. As long as the judge gives a nod, the case will be lightly sentenced. Once the case is lightly sentenced, how much money do you think his rich father will pay me? Is that reliable? Li Ren, is this confrontation meaningful? Get me some water! Get me some water! Zhang Tianyi, get him some water. Hurry, I’m about to fall off! Don’t come over here! Stand there! Stand over there. Don’t move. Don’t come over here! Hold it tightly! Don’t come over here. Put it down here. Hold it steady. I’ll put it here for you. Don’t move. If you move, I’ll fall off! Put it here. Get down. Okay, I’ll go down. Shao Jun, save him! ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Gritting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪