[INDO SUB] Departemen Keadilan (Enforcement Department) EP02 | Luo Jin/Yang Zishan | YOUKU

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 2] Hold it steady. I’ll put it here for you. Don’t move! If you move, I’ll fall off! Put it here! Get down! Okay, I’ll go down. I’m going down. Shao Jun, save him! Quick! Hold on tight! Step up! Go up! Save me! Li Ren, hurry, step up! Hold onto him! Step up! Pull me up, quickly! Hurry up, pull me up! Lift him up! Oh, senior, could you drive me to the Real Estate Trading Center first? I have something to do there. Aren’t you wearing a watch? What time is it now? Don’t they need to close? [17:57 Vehicle Status] Then forget it. What’s the matter? It’s about Fang Qiang. He mortgaged my aunt’s house to get a loan. And he can’t repay it when it’s due. Our house will be under enforcement. Oh, your cousin. How much does he owe? Two million yuan. Even if I raise money immediately, it’s not realistic to raise so much timely. Does he owe so much? I have 400,000 yuan available. Take it to deal with the emergency. You can firstly repay a part of the debt and take a breath. Forget about it. You’ve got a family to support, too. And if I borrow money from you, it’ll take forever to pay back. Your wife will definitely scold you. So much nonsense. Give me your bank card number right now. It’s a quite complicated matter, not just about money. Let’s just forget it. By the way, what are you up to? Why do you insist on treating me to dinner today? Is there something going on? I’m taking you to meet someone. Who is it? Zhao Lingnan. How long has it been since you last saw him? Is that kid in Qinggang now? Why didn’t he contact me first but contacted you instead? That’s the problem. I’m also curious about this. I feel that your relationship may not be that good. How about we don’t go see him? No, we must go! Tonight, let me drink water and let him drink alcohol. I’ll toast him to death. Senior. This restaurant… I’ve only heard about it in legends. It’s said that the biggest feature here is the high expenses. It’s rare to meet an old classmate like this. We can’t show Lingnan that we’re stingy but a good host. That makes sense. But let’s make it clear first. You invited me. I have no money. You’ll pay the bill later. Look at you. Lingnan! Surprised, huh? It has been a long time! Yeah. How have you been? You’ve lost weight. You must be busy with work. Summon the defendant Zhou Youmin to court. The defendant Zhou Youmin was accused of intentional injury [The defendant] and transferred to this court for prosecution on 1 March, 2023. What does this mean? What’s the problem? What does this mean? Let me introduce you. This is my good friend, Mr. Zhou. We are friends between generations. Mr. Zhou, this is Judge Qi, and this is Judge Wei. Judge Qi, I’ve heard a lot about you! I’m Zhou Zhi. Lingnan, I have something to deal with. I have to leave now. – Qi Lin! – It’s fine. Wait a minute. Qi Lin! What do you mean? We’ve been classmates for so many years, and we both majored in law. If I eat this meal tonight, you are clear about what the consequences will be. So sorry. Even though we’re classmates, I can’t afford this meal. Why are you talking about this? Could I cause trouble for you? After all these years, your temper hasn’t changed at all. What if I ask Mr. Zhou to leave now and we eat together? If it were a meal between our classmates, I would be very happy. But now, it’s a different situation. Unless you tell me that you arranged this dinner tonight not for that person inside. Dare you? Alright, we have our own ambitions. I don’t care what you are up to, but don’t expect me to go along with it. Why did I come to Qinggang? Can’t I just come over to meet old classmates? That old guy was introduced to me by someone else. How would I know the relationship between you? After so many years, I thought you would only get better and better. How can you be this hypocritical? Do you believe what you just said yourself? I finally realized why you didn’t contact me first when you arrived in Qinggang but contacted Wei Gang instead. You were afraid I would ask you why you came and who else you brought, right? Alright, I get it. I was trying to help you! You tell me, how many years does it take to study hard to become a judge? But how much is your monthly salary now? Just that much. I know well about your family’s situation. Don’t you want to repay your aunt? Besides, your cousin’s case also needs money! Didn’t you say you were unaware of these? Lingnan, tell me, how much money can be considered enough? Every penny I earn is mine. I can justify it to my conscience. What about you? Where did you earn your money? From the plaintiff? The defendant? The victims? The ordinary people? Or from those who believe money talks? Lingnan, although we have been bros and roommates for so many years, starting from now, we have different paths. Let’s not contact each other anymore. As for this meal tonight, are you helping me or harming me with it? You should know it well yourself. Lingnan, what’s going on? Nothing. It’s been many years since graduation and our relationship has faded. Someone has learned to put the greater good first. What do you mean? Let’s forget it and have a good drink. Lingnan, actually, I also have something to deal with today. Since Qi Lin has left, let’s reschedule another time. Excuse me. Zhao. [Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory] [Zhou Zhi] Hello, Mr. Zhou. Did you see Judge Qi? Are you kidding me? What kind of game are you playing? That judge saw me and left right away. That’s impossible. Zhao Lingnan assured me that it would be successful. Dong Ming, let me say this one last time. Sort out my son’s matter, and you don’t have to repay my money. If it doesn’t work out, pay back the money immediately! Understood, Mr. Zhou. I hope you did! Hello? Hello, is this Judge Qi? Yes, hello. Who is this? This is Dong Ming. I know you’re a man who sticks to principles. But I have something here that you might be interested in. Don’t you have a cousin named Fang Qiang? Yes, he’s my cousin. What’s going on? I heard he owes someone some money. Don’t beat around the bush. This matter can’t be explained in a few words on the phone. How about this, we meet tomorrow morning and talk in person? I don’t have anything to discuss with you. That’s not necessarily true. I’ll send you the address. Whether come or not is up to you. I’ll be waiting. Good morning, Judge Qi! Looks like I didn’t misjudge you. I knew you would come. Get down to business. Sure. Let me get straight to the point. I have two things to discuss with you. First, it’s about Zhou Youmin’s case. I hope you can go easy on him. It’s not unreasonable. Just give him a light sentence within your scope of control. What’s the second one? If you can help me out, the small loan company can withdraw the enforcement against Fang Qiang’s two-million-yuan debt. What’s your relationship with Zhou Youmin? Zhou Youmin’s father, Zhou Zhi, is an important business partner of mine. So I must help with this favor. Was Fang Qiang’s loan applied for through Zhou Zhi’s company? Well, it’s a bit complicated. It’s through a system, not a single company. To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhou controls many small loan companies. Regarding Fang Qiang’s matter, his word carries weight. Trying to make a deal with me? Don’t phrase it like that. Mr. Zhou asked me to tell you that he knows the law. If his son has broken the law, he should bear the responsibility. But responsibility varies in severity, doesn’t it? Mr. Zhou will pay an extra compensation of hundreds of thousands of yuan. He consulted a lawyer, and the lawyer said his son could be sentenced to three to ten years in prison. He hopes it’s three years. If you agree to this, Fang Qiang’s matter can be resolved today. It’s not a transaction, but a threat. No, not at all. It’s a plea. Mr. Zhou also emphasized that he has a generous gift for you once this is done. What you’re doing now is bribery. Both you and Zhou Zhi should be careful. If I find evidence, I’ll have you both jailed. Think about what I said! [Justice] [Vice President’s Office, Qinggang Municipal People’s Court] Wei Gang told me about last night’s incident. Even though he was unaware beforehand, he still felt that it hurt you. I’m glad you both had this realization. It shows that you have very strict self-discipline. As judges, you hold immense power and will always be hunted. Throughout your careers, you will face various tests. I hope that in similar situations in the future, you’ll handle them as you did last night. Vice President Ma, there’s one more mistake I need to admit to you. What’s the mistake? Someone named Dong Ming asked to meet me last night, saying it was about my cousin’s matter. My cousin is now involved in a property enforcement case ruled by Judge Zhang Li of the 1st Civil Division. I’ve mentioned this to you before. According to the recusal principle, I shouldn’t have gone to meet him. But I was afraid of missing the opportunity, so I went in the end. What was the outcome? Dong Ming is related both to the small loan company suing my cousin and the case involving Zhou Youmin. What was his purpose in contacting you? He wanted to make a deal with me. He said he could withdraw the enforcement against my cousin but on the condition that I do everything possible to reduce Zhou Youmin’s sentence. Qi Lin, you did overstep. I was really afraid of missing the chance to learn the truth, but I really didn’t expect that Dong Ming would be involved in both cases. After investigating, the facts are quite clear. Dong Ming used interests to tempt my cousin to purchase ten percent of the shares of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Due to my cousin’s lax attitude toward the law, he thought his mother’s house naturally belonged to him and secretly had someone impersonate my aunt and transfer her property under his name. Later, when the court ruled for repayment, he continued to trust Dong Ming and refused to communicate with the court, resulting in the enforcement by the Enforcement Department. Vice President Ma, this matter is quite complicated. I listened carefully. So, regarding Zhou Youmin’s case, I’m applying for recusal. Regarding your cousin’s matter, go inform the Enforcement Department. Understood. Anything else? I might not be suitable for the rotation in the Enforcement Department. Please reconsider the candidate. Yesterday, we received two complaints, but the point is, we executed only two cases yesterday. A 100% complaint rate. Inexperienced newcomer, shut up! The complaint rate has become like a curse. They keep chanting it every day. They even link it to our work performance, affecting my personal progress. I hold the record for receiving the most customer complaints, but I haven’t said a word yet. Why would a silver-spoon kid like you care about personal progress? What’s wrong with being a silver-spoon kid? Can’t a silver-spoon kid pursue progress? I have life goals and career pursuits too. Focus on your business. I think you’re overthinking it. We simply need to enforce the judgment and regulations faithfully. As for complaints, I have never cared about them. I don’t consider things that are beyond my control. I strongly agree with Ye Xuan’s opinion. Every day we deal with those who don’t repay their debts and still have to be polite. Why do they complain about us? It shows we’re enforcing resolutely and hitting a nerve with them! I think it’s quite honorable! It’s honorable! It’s honorable! Watch your attitude! Regarding complaints, we should address any shortcomings and strive for even greater progress if there are none. We need to reflect subjective reasons, not just emphasize objective reasons. Isn’t it a fact that our 2nd Enforcement Division has received the highest complaint rate in the entire court? You need to treat it correctly. Hello, Chief Judge Chu. Are they going to fight today? Newcomer, keep your mouth shut. What I just told you was requested by Vice President Ma to inform you about. You really opened my eyes. What do you mean? I’m curious enough. When it comes to personal matters, do Criminal Division judges investigate as thoroughly as you do? Isn’t your Criminal Division busy? Or is Judge Qi an exception with no other cases to investigate? You even met the parties privately? I’ve already made my stance clear on this matter to you last time. There’s nothing for us to discuss. We’re colleagues in the same court. I have long heard of your great reputation, Chief Judge Chu Yun. Do we have to talk like this? Do we have to mix business with personal attacks? Is it so difficult for judges to communicate? Can’t we just be calm and reasonable? Or do you think speaking like this makes you seem especially just and especially impartial? I have working here for many years too. My work in the court is clear to everyone. Are you suggesting that your closure rate is the highest in the court? It’s the highest closure rate in the whole court for three consecutive years. I’m not boasting about myself, but I consider myself a diligent and qualified judge. The first standard for a qualified judge is not to violate rules and discipline. Have you met it? I told you last time that this matter has its own uniqueness. I’m an orphan. An orphan? So what? Is that your excuse for violating rules and discipline? Fine. Forget what I said. Judge Qi. I’ve received the notification. Considering Qi Runyu’s good attitude in admitting mistakes and her actual physical condition, you can take her home now. But in this matter, have you sought personal gain? I don’t know, but you certainly have an idea. [President’s Office, People’s Court of Qinggang City] It’s urgent. President Tang requested that we have a meeting. At ten o’clock later, Qi Lin will announce the verdict for Zhou Youmin’s case. Given the current situation, I suggest postponing the trial. What do you think? Meeting with and giving money to judges before sentencing is not a new issue. The key is how our judges respond. Judge Qi and Judge Wei have neither received gifts nor meal invitations. Indeed, they did have contact with the parties involved in the cases, but they reported the situation truthfully. So, President Tang, what do you mean? I don’t know how you all feel after hearing these matters, but I’m quite relieved. Our young judges have maintained discipline. Why can’t we trust them? Then let’s proceed with the trial as planned? Feng Li, what’s the opinion of the Discipline Inspection Office? Although Zhou Youmin’s case is related to Fang Qiang’s case through someone, both the plaintiff and the defendant have no direct interest with Judge Qi Lin. It doesn’t involve recusal provisions or the ten prohibitions. I support proceeding as planned. This can also be seen as a test for Qi Lin. If any issues occur, we can investigate them later and ensure corrections. Then let’s proceed as planned. This court finds the public prosecution’s accusation against the defendant Zhou Youmin of intentional injury to be valid and supports its sentencing proposal. The verdict is as follows. All rise. [People’s Assessor, Presiding Judge, Judge] First, the defendant Zhou Youmin is guilty of intentional injury and is sentenced to seven years in prison. The sentence is to be served from the date of judgment execution. One day in custody equals one day of sentence reduction. Therefore, the sentence is from 20 January, 2023, to 19 January, 2030. Second, the defendant Zhou Youmin shall compensate the criminal and civil plaintiff Zheng Xiaonie for medical expenses, transportation fees, loss of income, nursing expenses, nutritional expenses, and meal subsidies for a total of 686,530 yuan RMB, payable within five days after the judgment takes effect. If dissatisfied with this judgment, the defendant may appeal to a superior court through this court or directly appeal to the superior people’s court within ten days from the second day after receiving the judgment. Written appeals shall include one original and two copies of the appeal petition. Defendant, do you wish to appeal? Defendant, do you wish to file an appeal? I won’t appeal. Court adjourned. Dad. [Presiding Judge] Heaven has eyes! [Yucheng Pig Trotter Rice Restaurant] Alright. Thank you. Come. I’m fine. Be careful later. Understood! Are you fine? Runyu, you’re back! Are you okay? I’m fine. Stop working. What’s wrong? Qi Lin, let them vacate here. Come on, start moving. Wait, go back! Grandpa… Who’s your grandpa? Don’t touch anything here! What’s going on? Who’s your grandpa? I am still here in this house! Fang Dacheng, what are you doing? Qi Lin has educated me. The court asked us to vacate, so we have to vacate. Why are you doing this, Qi Lin? You’re also a judge. Are you dealing with your own family like this? You’re really something! Didn’t you tell the court leaders about our relationship and not to touch our house? Fang Dacheng, are you trying to defy the law? Uncle, don’t worry. I will certainly take care of our family matters. I’ve met Fang Qiang. This matter will definitely be clarified slowly. When there’s new evidence, we can apply for a retrial. But before that, we have to abide by the law. So, we have to move. Do you understand? As the family of a judge, we have to support him. If we don’t support him, who will? Runyu, after staying in the court for a night, have you changed so much? Start moving! Okay, let’s get started. Go ahead! Be careful! Don’t damage anything. Understood. Go inside! Hello? Hello, Judge Qi. I’m Dong Ming. Let’s chat. What to chat? Let’s chat about Fang Qiang’s matter. There’s nothing to discuss. You still have the nerve to come back? You still have the nerve to stand here? Do you know how big of a mistake you’ve made? You’ve ruined everything. Thanks to your cousin, or I’d be still detained in the court. Yes, he’s so powerful. Congratulations, Judge Qi. You’ve made another great contribution to our family. I’ll hit you, don’t you believe? What are you talking about? Stop it! Auntie! Who do you think you are! Stop hitting him. It won’t solve the problem. Have a seat. It’s not all Fang Qiang’s fault. In fact, I should also take the blame. How… How does this have something to do with you? The loan company lending money to Fang Qiang is related to the defendant in a case I presided over. Dong Ming whom you mentioned before approached me. He wanted me to lighten the sentence for the defendant, and he would withdraw the lawsuit against you. Wait a minute. Runyu. Why is this so confusing to me? What’s confusing? Someone wants to let your son off the hook. Isn’t that good? What’s good about it? The premise is to ask him to make a mistake and go easy on the defendant. Is it just so simple? I won’t talk to you. You’re really a legal ignoramus! Auntie, I haven’t finished yet. At the beginning, they just wanted to cheat Fang Qiang out of his money. I believe they had done such things before. Later, they found out that Fang Qiang bore some value to them. They wanted to take advantage of this matter to force me to serve their needs. So, it really doesn’t have much to do with Fang Qiang. They’re targeting me. Understand? Do you understand? Listen, Qi Lin, you mustn’t do this. Even if we lose the house, you still can’t make mistakes. Listen to me. – Do you hear that? – Don’t worry. The case has been judged according to the law. That’s good. What I want to say is about our house. Fang Qiang, whatever you did before, we can let bygones be bygones. But from now on, you have to do as I say, okay? Let’s sue Dong Ming. Get a lawyer. Explain clearly how Dong Ming deceived you. Also, you’ll have to face the consequences of forging the house transfer contract. When did I forge it? Didn’t I tell you before? I’m my mom’s son, so her property is mine too. Besides, I didn’t sign that contract. They got it somehow from the Real Estate Trading Center. You need to understand that as long as Auntie didn’t personally accompany you to the Real Estate Trading Center for the transfer, it’s considered a forged contract. But my mom… You legal ignoramus! – Auntie! – I’ll hit you! Are you addicted to hitting him? Why do you want to hit me again? Auntie. Enough. Sit down. It’s enough. Getting mad won’t solve anything. Come, sit. You piss me off. There’s another matter. We all need to be mentally prepared for it. Fang Qiang is very likely to be sentenced because of this matter. But based on my experience, there’s a good chance it’ll be a suspended sentence. Will a suspended sentence affect his marriage prospects? Yes, it will! It might even affect his descendants! Stay calm. Hello? Judge Qi, since Zhou Youmin’s case has been judged, can we meet now? I request to meet with you. Send me the address. Sorry. I’m late. I want to apologize to you for what happened to your restaurant. According to the judgment, the restaurant has been vacated. The court will soon auction it off and then repay the two-million-yuan debt. What do you have to apologize for? We can negotiate about this. There’s no need for it to escalate like this. Feeling guilty, huh? What am I guilty of? It’s not me who owes the money. Then why did you want to meet me? Let me tell you, the one who owes money might be the victim, and the one who lent money might be the perpetrator setting traps. How did the small loan company lure Fang Qiang into signing the house mortgage contract? How did they falsify the transfer of the house? And how did they sign the transfer agreement? You should know all about it. You sold shares to Fang Qiang and introduced him to the small loan company. You’re close to Zhou Zhi. What role did you play in all this? You should also know about it. With this two-million mortgage loan and all sorts of tricks, you managed to earn a restaurant without spending a penny. Are scammers so brazen nowadays? You’re a judge. You should speak based on evidence. Let me tell you, I will find evidence. When that happens, Fang Qiang will sue you. Wait. I’ll handle this matter personally. I agree to withdraw the enforcement against Fang Qiang, but what to do about my ten percent share? What to do? Handle it according to the law. Can you stop talking in an official tone? Fang Qiang told me, the share transfer agreement has been signed, but it’s still under review by the market regulation administration. You can apply to terminate it. Alright, just do as you said. Then ask Fang Qiang to come see me. That’s between the two of you. If you want to see him, call him. Also, let me remind you. If you encounter a case again, don’t think about trying to influence the judge. That’s bribery, though it may sound bad. It’s a more serious crime. Indeed, it doesn’t sound good. Judge Qi, now that you’ve got your restaurant back and I’ve got my shares back, let’s both step back and let bygones be bygones, okay? Leave a way out for yourself. We’ll meet again in the future. You better hope we never meet again. Understand? How did it go? It’s a dead end. Why is it a dead end? The presiding judge, Qi Lin, is very straight-laced but also very smart. Now, not only can we not proceed, but I also have to withdraw the lawsuit quickly, or I might get involved myself. This matter can’t be explained in just a few words. It should be enough. Bath cream, two tubes of toothpaste, and soap. Let’s use these sparingly. Shampoo, facial cleanser… Check if the zipper can still close. Stuff it in more. Yes, it can close. You’re preparing a red down jacket? Do you think it’s going on a trip? Hey, listen to the guards in the jail so that you won’t suffer. I’m home! Qi Lin. You’re just in time. Look, is all this stuff permitted in the jail? Are you preparing all this for him? Who said he’s going to be jailed? Isn’t that what you said? I also said you might get a suspended sentence. Who knows if it will be the case? Alright. Take these things back. Put them wherever they belong. Just rest assured. Now I officially inform you that the loan company has agreed to withdraw the enforcement. We just need to go through the follow-up procedures. Stop talking about those procedures. What exactly does that mean? It means our restaurant won’t be enforced anymore, and we can get the house back. Really? How can I lie to you about this? But Fang Qiang’s matter isn’t over. Tomorrow, you need to visit the court and meet Chief Judge Chu Yun of the Enforcement Department to clarify how this matter will be handled. Don’t worry about those things. First, he won’t be jailed. Second, we get our house back. Runyu, I’ll go cook a couple of dishes. Let’s celebrate as a family. Let me help you with this. Give it to me. Here. Listen to me. You better remember that it’s your big brother who saved you this time. If you ever mess up again, I’ll personally send you to jail even if they don’t take you. Understood. You are really my mom. Stop talking nonsense. [Qinggang Municipal People’s Court] I’m sorry, Master. Here, you’re the master. There’s nothing to apologize for. In fact, I knew beforehand that we were going to execute on your aunt’s restaurant, but after careful consideration, I decided not to tell you. You did the right thing. If you had told me beforehand, you would have violated discipline. I feel like you’ve been off lately. Is it because of your aunt’s situation? No. Then what’s bothering you? It’s the rotation. I’ve won the highest case closure rate for three consecutive years, but I’ll lose my four-time championship due to the rotation. But that’s not the main issue. It’s that the chief judge of the Enforcement Department seems to be intentionally targeting me. It’s difficult to deal with. Don’t think like that. She’s straightforward and honest, with a strong character. You two will get along fine. I don’t care anymore. It’s just six months. It’ll pass soon. I welcome you to the 2nd Enforcement Division. At least, you can help me with my legal exams. Why are you so selfish? Always thinking about yourself. As a judge in the Criminal Division, having to do this petty work at the Enforcement Department really gets on my nerves. Who’s petty? I work with petty people like that every day. I think they’re great! Not letting Qi Lin come anymore? He himself doesn’t want to come. – I’ll go talk to him. – What are you doing? Sit down! Let me finish. – Then you… – Sit down. Qi Lin reported recent events to me, particularly about his aunt’s case. He feels that under these circumstances, he can’t get along with Chu Yun. Of course, this rotation system must continue. I called you here to discuss whether we can change personnel. We can’t. President Tang, you know, when Qi Lin first came to our court, I was his tutor. I know him inside out. He’s highly professional, enthusiastic, principled, and flexible. He’s a valuable asset. What’s the matter? The leadership has already decided. We can’t just change it now. I’m worried that their work will be affected. Absolutely not. Trust Qi Lin to me. I’ll ensure he gets along with Chu Yun. Given that Chu Yun’s stubborn like that, can you handle her? I’m the Director General. I have the final say! Are you doing this on purpose? Where are you going? I’m going to talk to President Tang. I don’t want this person! Please don’t. Sit down and let’s talk. Why find President Tang? Let me tell you, I absolutely don’t want Qi Lin. We’re short-handed here, with a backlog of cases and a high complaint rate. But you can’t just bring any kind of people here. Director General Zhou, you know, when he came to me as a party’s relative, I looked down on him! If you want to say that he didn’t do anything wrong and he had no personal motive, then you’re covering up. I know he once worked under you and you like him, but not everyone who has worked under you is a good judge. Why do you bring him here? To cause trouble? Look at your mouth, firing off like a machine gun. Let’s sit down and talk slowly. Come on. I won’t sit. This matter happened at the wrong time. That’s indeed unfortunate. It affects your view of Qi Lin. That’s understandable. But Chu Yun, think carefully, throughout the process, didn’t Qi Lin stick to his principles? He has passed the test. When judging someone, you have to consider the big picture and the long term. You can’t cling to a small matter. Small matter? Alright. I won’t argue with you. Since you value him so much, if he dares to come, just come! That’s what you said. Yes. If he dares to come, you will dare to receive him! I also have my conditions. Don’t treat the six-month rotation like some great favor from the heavens. If he wants to join our division, there are also conditions. If he dares to come, there’s a one-month probation period. If he can’t meet the requirements, leave anytime! Just do as you said! Director General Zhou. Good timing. Come in. You two, if one dares to come, the other will dare to receive. You both are good enough! Director General Zhou… Don’t go back on what you just said. Director General Zhou, I just… Vice President Ma already told me that you’ve been very cooperative and firmly followed organizational decisions. Whatever disagreements you two had before, from today onwards, you must cooperate sincerely and weather the storms together. Come on, let’s shake hands. Wish you a pleasant cooperation. Pleasant cooperation. ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Gritting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪