[INDO SUB] Departemen Keadilan (Enforcement Department) EP04 | Luo Jin/Yang Zishan | YOUKU

♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 4] How did you know I was heading to the horse ranch? I’m not stupid. I certainly had to be involved in such a thrilling thing. But explain this. Why did you go to the horse ranch so late at night? Did you notice that the horse barn looks big from the outside, but once you enter, the space inside is severely compressed. Are you saying there’s a secret room there? Please, you’re a judge, so your words must be precise. I didn’t say there’s a secret room, I’m just suspicious. So I needed to check it out. Did you notice another detail? When I approached that fodder, without any warning, Li Ren suddenly had an outburst. So from these facts, I have every reason to suspect that if that secret room you mentioned really exists, it must be related to that fodder. You’re indeed a master. Your logical thinking is so meticulous. Look at this blueprint, the dimensions are precise to the centimeter. That’s Yan Anyang’s contribution. He used some formulas with the video recordings from the enforcement activities to calculate all this data. Well done, Yan Anyang. He looks naive and silly but turns out to be useful at the crucial moment. Isn’t he a typical STEM guy? Please, calm down your uncontrollable excitement and just sit properly. Since you’re rocking back and forth, I can’t even see in the rearview mirror. We’re here there. Stop the car. We can’t stop at the front. Don’t stare that way. [Kunpeng Equestrian Club] Indeed, we can’t enter through the main gate. It would startle the "grass" and scare the "snakes." Are you afraid of scaring the "snakes"? With the way you shut that car door, never mind "snakes," you would’ve woken up a "python." Just wait here. I’ll jump over the wall alone. Why? I want to go too. Are you crazy? What are you going in for? How can I miss a night visit to the horse ranch? Judge Ouyang, please, I can escape anytime if I go alone, but I can’t look out for you if anything happens. Just wait here. I don’t need someone to look after me. Let’s go in together, or I’ll call Chief Judge Chu right now. Alright. Come with me. But we need to agree that you must stay close to me. Whatever happens, hide yourself first. Don’t worry about me. Alright, got it. Hurry. Step out a bit. Don’t step inside. Push hard. I’m climbing up. No, let me down! Let me down! What’s wrong? Judge Qi, maybe you should go in alone. Are you going to leave me here alone? Who said earlier she doesn’t need someone to look after her? Wasn’t there a dog? Look, the big dog is barking again. Really sorry, I’ve been afraid of dogs since I was a kid. How thrilling is a night visit to the horse ranch! Who said that earlier? This way, I’ll go in first to check it out. I’ll message you once I know the situation, then report after confirmation. Come on. Aren’t you afraid I might break your bones? Judge Qi, be careful! Be careful! Why is the dog barking so much tonight? Shall we lock Black inside? [Chief Judge Chu] Hello? Hello, Chief Judge Chu. I have something very serious to report. Go ahead. Judge Qi and I are now at Kunpeng Equestrian Club. What did you say? Why is the horse barn’s light on? Go check it. What are you doing here? Get down! Okay. Hurry! Don’t be nervous. I’m not a bad guy. I’ll hit you! Who admits they’re a bad guy? Are you here to steal horses? Stop talking, beat him up! Listen to me… [Police, Court] Follow up! Stop! Stand aside! You dare to hit a judge! Judge Qi Lin from Enforcement Department of the People’s Court of Qinggang City I told you I’m not a bad guy. I thought he was here to steal horses. Arrest them all! Arrest them! He didn’t say he was a judge… It was… No… Chief Judge Chu, we’ll be going then. Complete the detention procedures later. Take your time. Be safe. Okay, I’ll take them back. Chief Judge Chu, I need to explain. Indeed, it was my fault, but there was a reason. After watching the video, I noticed there was something wrong with the horse barn’s structure. I was also worried that if it was delayed, the young horses would be moved. That would make the enforcement even more difficult. What’s the point of explaining this now? Judge Qi, Sorry. You were scolded all because I betrayed you. I… I was waiting outside. It was so dark. I had no idea what was happening inside. The dog kept barking, getting fiercer and fiercer. And then there were crashing sounds from inside. It felt too dangerous. I couldn’t hold back, so I called Chief Judge Chu. If you’re really angry, go ahead and scold me. I never thought I had the traitor gene in me. Thank you for reporting me. If it weren’t for your report to Chu Yun, we wouldn’t have known how to resolve this tonight. Make way. What are you daydreaming about? How could Judge Qi find a secret room at the horse ranch? That’s an easy question. Because he is Judge Qi Lin from the Criminal Division. I always believe in the Criminal Division! My dream is exactly to work at the Criminal Division. Mop the floor. That’s a piece of cake. Morning. Morning. Eight… I’ll make it… Where is Judge Qi? He was called away by Director General Zhou. Where is Chief Judge Chu? They went together. Chief Judge Chu looked particularly upset today. It’s over. Why take it a big deal? It should have been resolved internally. Why must it be reported upwards? What are you talking about? Today is the time Lulu treats us to a big meal. She was discussing with me what to eat. How about hot pot? You’re so carefree, still in the mood to eat in such a period. Sorry. I have kept you waiting, Division Director Shen. The traffic was terrible, so I was late. No worries. I know you’re busy. Go check if the dishes are ready. Understood, Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen, you have such refined tastes. Collect antiques in times of peace and gold in times of turmoil, as they say. I didn’t expect you to have collected so many treasures. I’m merely pretending to be cultured. These are all cheap items. Not like Division Director Shen, you actually studied this professionally. Please, have a seat. You flatter me, Mr. Chen. When I was younger, I did study it for a few years. Then I didn’t delve deeper. I have the eye but not the wealth, merely frustrated. I have the wealth but not the eye, blindly anxious. Mr. Chen! [Cui Tiancheng] [Cui Tiancheng] Take the call. I’ll check on the dishes. No need, Mr. Chen. Just some troublesome mess. I can’t be bothered with them anymore. If I may ask bluntly, what is the matter that has got you so upset? Before, I took on a public welfare project named Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Sounds like a good thing, right? But I didn’t expect the subcontractors below to mess up the project. Now there’s even a lawsuit. We’re anxious to sell the factory to cover debts. Now, we have Lawyer Cui from Tiancheng Law Firm finding a buyer for them. That factory’s location seems quite good. It’s more than good, Mr. Chen. I think the owner who sells the factory now is simply an idiot. Why sell it at such a critical moment? The development plan for Morning Light Plaza will be announced next month. Regarding this… I couldn’t say more, Mr. Chen, or I’d be making a mistake. Try this tea, newly arrived. Mr. Chen, Director Shen, you may enjoy the meal. Please. Alright. Please. The four young horses have been entrusted to Nan’an Horse Ranch for foster care, waiting for the judicial auction. The market-estimated auction price should be able to cover the debts of this case. Qi Lin, well done! As a newcomer at your division, he has closed a tricky case! He’s your lucky star! Another matter, I believe in this enforcement, Judge Qi Lin’s actions were seriously out of alignment with the standards! He’s new, teach him the standards if he’s unfamiliar. Qi Lin, you must pay attention to this. Without rules, we can accomplish nothing. Understood. I’ve criticized him for this. Don’t trivialize it. It wasn’t as simple as you described. Qi Lin acted on his own, seriously violating discipline. We agreed that he has a one-month probation period. This is already his second mistake. I can’t handle this kind of person. Our small division cannot accommodate him. I request he be transferred back to the Criminal Division immediately. What are you shouting for? Transfer him back? It’s a decision by the court’s Party Leadership Group. Can such a personnel change be a child’s play? Well, this… No matter how, Qi Lin has faults but also merits. Without him, could this case have been enforced so swiftly? That’s not what I’m talking about. What’s wrong? I’m getting an upset stomach. I need to use the restroom. You two can communicate patiently, right? Take your time. It’s all for work. Qi Lin! Reflect deeply on yourself. Educate and criticize him when necessary. I was wrong. Were you wrong? Can you be wrong? I think you did it on purpose. You came here looking for trouble. Did you read the enforcement standards? Yes, I’ve been working hard to memorize them. Memorizing without adhering, what’s the use? What is procedure? Procedure is the guarantee of safety. Acting on your own without prior notice. Before you came, such incidents had never occurred in the 2nd Enforcement Division. I apologize to you. You don’t need to apologize to me. Have you thought about Ouyang Lulu? In last night’s operation, if anything had happened, what would have been the consequences? Would you still have the chance to apologize? I will make changes. I really will make changes. Judges must adhere to the rules. Rules are not for show. Rules must be implemented meticulously! You might find this boring. You might like those flashy and fancy performances. But I’m telling you, that’s individual heroism. I didn’t mean so. I’ll emphasize again, before you memorize the standards, you’re not allowed to attend field duties. Division Director Shen, we’ve arrived. Thanks, Mr. Li, for kindly driving me back. Thank you. See you! Wait a moment. I found an antique, not sure if it’s a treasure. Could you take a look for me, Division Director Shen? This… I’ve been influenced by Mr. Chen. I also want to enhance my own cultural cultivation. You must help me with this. Alright, Mr. Li, give me some more time. I’ll help you identify it properly. See you. Division Director Shen. Be sure to handle it with care. Okay, I’ll handle it well with care. Thank you, Mr. Li. See you. My actions have caused trouble for the 2nd Enforcement Division and damaged the image of the Enforcement Department. I fully recognize my mistake. Today I am here, humbly and sincerely, accepting criticism from all comrades. I also need to reflect. I didn’t immediately remind Judge Qi to adhere to the enforcement standards. It was such a major issue, so I should’ve reported to the leadership immediately. I didn’t follow discipline. This won’t happen again. Does anyone else have something to say? Ye Xuan, speak up. I think this matter indeed seriously violated discipline. You can’t say it like that. Judge Qi was just trying to save time, afraid they would transfer the assets. That reason is not valid. You should have reported immediately upon discovering issues. You can firstly monitor the site to prevent the transfer of assets, but wait for the main force before starting enforcement. I need to explain this. The secret room was only my speculation. If this speculation was wrong, wouldn’t my suggestion have caused even more trouble? Every speculation by an enforcement judge is no trouble as long as there’s evidence. Even a wrong speculation must be reported first. That’s enough. Didn’t everyone come back safely? Everyone was fine, anyway. This approach does not conform to basic risk avoidance. Don’t be a Monday morning quarterback. Didn’t Ouyang Lulu call Chief Judge Chu at the last minute? She has already provided remedial measures. That’s sophistry. If it were me, I would definitely make that call before setting out! But Ouyang Lulu chose to call only at the last minute! What’s that called? That’s called pulling back before it is too late. You’re just a case of "easier said than done." You don’t even attend field duties. What right do you have to criticize me? When have I not attended field duties? Clarify your words. When have I not attended field duties? Stop attacking me personally, okay? Clarify your words! You didn’t go to Jingquan Street to remove obstruction. You didn’t go to Anzhu Building for eviction. You didn’t attend last month’s enforcement against Luo Guangshun either. I was on leave last month! Enough, both shut up! Is the meeting for their reflection or for your arguing? Let’s get back to the point. It’s my fault. Here, I’m once again apologizing to everyone. I’ll say it again: Six months, it’ll pass quickly. Please be patient with me. Judge Qi, it has nothing to do with the length of the rotation. We still need to clarify it. I still insist that in the enforcement process, safety awareness is most important. I understand. Judge Qi, Ye Xuan is a person who doesn’t quite mean what he says. – Stop. – He’s not good at expression. Yan Anyang! Ouyang Lulu, Qi Lin, I’m not satisfied with your oral reflections. You must write a profound written reflection and hand it to me tomorrow morning. Meeting adjourned! Thank you. I’ve taken your words to heart. Your criticism is very profound and reasonable. I especially want to thank you. Hang in there. Mr. Chen. Come over for tea. Okay. Do you want to ask me why I value Shen Sifang so much? He’s a division director at the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, also a key figure in the development of the Morning Light Plaza project. Shen Sifang is quite an arrogant person. The reason he contacts us is because he sees the potential in Qilun Group. But the broader the water, the more stable our big ship sails. The future development of Qilun Group must comply with policies. Our contact with him is for information and for policies. Mr. Chen, since we’re so generous right from the start, will Shen Sifang think we’re easy targets? Do you know how much this information is worth? One billion yuan. Just for that rundown factory? In your eyes, it might be a rundown factory. In my eyes, it’s a golden key. Whether we can successfully enter the game all depends on it. Don’t we just want that piece of land? Why go through so much trouble? To keep a low profile. If we make it clear that we’re purchasing Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory at a loss, how would our peers view us? Shen Sifang said it will be announced soon, So within this month, we have to secure it. Mr. Li, this way, please. [Tiancheng Law Firm] This way. Mr. Li, please. Thank you. Tiancheng Law Firm is a leader in Qinggang’s legal community. We sincerely hope to engage in strategic cooperation with Tiancheng Law Firm. Mr. Li, you’re flattering me. Division Director Shen has called and informed me. Having the opportunity to provide comprehensive legal services to a company like Qilun Group is my honor. The legal affairs of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory are handled by you, right? In the past, yes. But now, I plan to let them go. Never let them go. Hurry and help me make contact because Qilun Group is interested in acquiring Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Acquisition? Mr. Li, I can tell you that Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory has had quite a few problems recently, and its debts are rather chaotic. I suggest you to be cautious. I believe no matter how complicated the debts are, you can clarify them. No matter how big the trouble, you can handle it, right? Lawyer Cui, we are sincerely interested in purchasing. We want the lowest price. As for the remuneration for Tiancheng Law Firm, we will pay 50% above the market rate. Qi Lin. Have some fruit. What are you thinking about? Is your work not going well? No. No? When you were in the Criminal Division before, you worked overtime every day and never came back on time. But in these past few days, you’ve come back quite on time. This makes me uneasy. When I worked overtime before, you had complaints. Now I don’t need to work overtime, you still have complaints? Auntie, you’ve been quite observant lately. No. You know what? I’m worried about that Chief Judge giving you a hard time. Look, she once caught me, and now you’re working under her, I just feel uncomfortable about it. She is some kind of leader, after all. If she really dares to give you a hard time, then she really lacks the qualities of a leader. But don’t be afraid, Qi Lin. With your auntie here, she won’t dare to bully you. I haven’t said a word, and you’ve guessed a lot as if it’s truly the case. How could she possibly make things difficult for me? She is eager to make use of me. Then let me ask you, what have you been doing at work these past few days? Every day, I just served them tea and water. If I arrived early, I would clean up and mop the floor. If I arrived late, I would just sort out files. Qi Lin, serving tea, sorting files, and sweeping the floor, is this making use of you? Clearly, this is making things difficult for you. I’m going to talk to your leaders to transfer you back to the Criminal Division. You shouldn’t work under her! Auntie! Listen to me! I was just joking. Don’t take it seriously. What kind of joke is this? How about this? I’ll work overtime every day. I’ll find things to do, okay? Alright. You don’t need to worry about my issues. Auntie, I can handle it myself! Qi Lin… You’re right, I know! This kid. What is Mr. Li’s position at Qilun Group, the one who is to meet with us today? What exactly is he responsible for? Vice President. What is that rank? Dong Ming, I don’t know why Qilun Group would be interested in your rundown factory, but if you want to make it smooth today, don’t bring up too many problems. Let’s not discuss whether it’s rundown, but I need to understand the buyer’s background. I’m still the owner of this factory, right? I’m not wrong. I heard from Lawyer Cui that Mr. Dong is currently looking for a buyer for Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Qilun Group is interested in acquiring it. I wonder what price Mr. Dong has in mind? May I ask what expectations Qilun Group has? Considering the operating conditions of Yongkang, I believe you both know how much it is worth better than me. We all know each other, so no need to beat around the bush. I also hope Mr. Dong gives a realistic price. How straightforward Mr. Li is. Since Qilun Group sincerely wants to buy, and Mr. Dong truly wants to sell, I won’t hide it. The previous offer was 20 million yuan. Yes, the previous offer was indeed 20 million yuan. But look, Mr. Li, our factory has added a lot of equipment in the past two years, and it has attracted some new investments. So, the current offer is 30 million yuan. Well, Mr. Ming has indeed been continuously investing. But he needs capital turnover for other projects. Otherwise, he wouldn’t easily sell it. If there’s a gap in the price with Qilun Group’s budget, we can still discuss it. Right, we can definitely discuss it. But I feel like, after all this discussion, there probably won’t be much change in the price. Alright, I understood. Mr. Dong’s offer indeed has some gap with Qilun Group’s budget. Alright, I’ll discuss it with the shareholders and try to answer you soon. I have to leave now. Alright. Mr. Li, I’m waiting for your good news. Mr. Li… Were you out of your mind? Asking 30 million for that broken factory? Hadn’t we agreed beforehand? We had agreed, but shouldn’t we also follow the market? During doing business, bargaining is just a normal part. Besides, what kind of enterprise are they? Qilun Group, a big company! When I asked for 30 million, I even felt I quoted too low. Lawyer Cui, if you help me succeed with this deal, besides your fee, shouldn’t I give you another bigger commission? With your way of negotiation, do you still want to succeed? Of course, I want to. Mr. Chen. How’s it going? The owner of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory, Dong Ming, I don’t think he is a boss, even worse than a hoodlum. Cui Tiancheng quoted 20 million yuan, but then he jumped to 30 million. He must think Qilun Group has the strength, so he clearly intends to extort us. Thirty million… He has made his move, now it’s up to you. Mr. Ming, this way. [Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory] Mr. Ming, rest assured. All the workshops are manned, and all machines are operational, just as you instructed. This way, please. The stuff here is too messy. We’re cleaning it up. Tidy them up after the registration. This way, please. Look. Are all these workers newly hired? None of the old ones is kept, right? Rest assured, not a single one is kept. All the previous workers have been driven away. These new ones are all temporarily hired. They’ve been trained and perform quite well. Are you sure they’ve all been trained? Greet the boss! Hello, Boss! – Hello, Boss! – See? The day before yesterday a group came, saying they were sent by Qilun Group. Luckily we followed your instructions and had everything arranged. Rest assured, there were no flaws. – Dong Ming! – Dong Ming! Dong Ming, come out here! Isn’t Dong Ming here today? Why do they come now of all times? Boss, you better get out of here first! Dong Ming! Chase him! Dong Ming, don’t escape! – Dong Ming, don’t escape! – Stop there! – Stop there! – Don’t escape! Get out of the way! Don’t escape! – Dong Ming! – Stop! Don’t escape! Stop there! Don’t escape! Dong Ming, don’t escape! Stop, don’t escape anymore! Pay up! Everyone, come over here. There’s trouble at Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Dong Ming is there today to discuss a transfer of shares, but he has been detained by workers demanding wages. So now, we must handle the situation on site. Yan Anyang, notify Shao Jun immediately. Ye Xuan, Tian Jia, and Zhang Tianyi, get ready to leave. Lulu, finish the report on Liu Daming’s copyright infringement case and hand it to me tomorrow morning. Alright. Chief Judge Chu, I have some understanding of the situation at Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. I request to go with you. Have you memorized the standards? With 390 pages, memorizing word for word is just impossible. Liu Daming’s copyright infringement case involves 263 parties, so finishing this report without pulling an all-nighter is just impossible. [Court] What are you doing? – Let me go! – Buddies! We’ve caught Dong Ming today! Let him say, will he pay us or not? Pay up! Let him speak. Buddies, I know I owe you some wages. I’ve been finding a way! I’ve raised some money. Could you give me some more time? Yang Wen, how can you lead this trouble? So dangerous! Tell them to let me go. Let’s discuss this properly. Let you go? Wishful thinking! If you don’t pay us today, I’ll flatten you first, then break you into pieces! Pay up! Don’t fool us. We want the wages right now! – Right! – Hurry up and send the money over! Hurry up and pay! Pay up! Without my order, no one shall make any rash moves. Don’t provoke them. Give me the megaphone. Pay up! Calm down! Everyone, please calm down! We are enforcement judges from Qinggang Court. My name is Chu Yun. You two, drop your weapons now! ♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪What can make people walk shoulder to shoulder?♪ ♪Nothing can change their steady steps♪ ♪No matter how far away, they stick to their dreams♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪The righteous always shoulder responsibility♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪