[INDO SUB] Departemen Keadilan (Enforcement Department) EP05 | Luo Jin/Yang Zishan | YOUKU

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 5] Can you let go of me first? Pay up! Calm down! Stop! Everyone, please calm down! We are enforcement judges from the Qinggang Court. My name is Chu Yun. You two, drop your weapons now! Judge! Save me, quickly! You calm down, too! Fellow workers, we’re here today to help you all solve your problems. Every issue can be resolved. Please stay calm. If you have any issues, let’s talk it over. That’s what the court said last time. But he just won’t pay the money back. We can’t wait anymore! Right! Your court is no use at all! You simply don’t care about us! We are aware of everyone’s difficulties. You are Yang Wen. You’re anxious to get money to pay your child’s tuition. Li Fuming, your wife is in the hospital. She needs dialysis twice a month and medication. You’re anxious to pay her medical bills. Jiang Youguang, right? After your divorce, you’re raising two children and have parents to care for. Four people depend on your single income. The hardship is imaginable. We’re aware of the situations of all you wage-claiming workers. Rest assured. What needs to be enforced, we will enforce firmly. We are also doing everything possible to make the debtor pay back the money soon. Your current behavior is very irrational. You might even be breaking the law. If something happens to Dong Ming, you will have to bear legal responsibility. If something happens to you, what about your families? Have you thought about the consequences? We understand what you’re saying, but we’re out of options. I’ve been living on borrowed money for the past six months. I’ve borrowed from all my relatives and friends. I can’t borrow any more! We’re forced to do this. We can’t drag this out. Our families can’t drag this out either. If Dong Ming doesn’t pay back the money today, we won’t let him off! Drop this. Judge! You see that? He’s breaking the law. Don’t you care? Shut up! Breaking the law? They don’t care if you break the law. Shall they care if we break the law? If we can’t get the money today, we won’t want it, but we have to let off this steam! Liu, start the engine! – Start the engine! – No! No! Judge! Judge, save me! Turn it off quickly! Turn it off! Turn it off right away! – Quick, turn it off! – Turn it off first. Judge Qi. Judge Zhao, have you eaten? Judge Qi, go eat. Where is Judge Qi? Went to the cafeteria to eat. I just missed him. I was planning to order him some takeout he likes. Well, how come you didn’t think to order takeout for me too? Didn’t you say you wanted to lose weight? Can’t you just reward me for this? I’ve been disciplined enough, okay? In the past week, I haven’t had lunch at all. Then why did I hear from Zhang Tianyi that someone eats two buckets of instant noodles in the dorm every night, and he just can’t live without them? Why does Zhang Tianyi poke his nose into everything? I tell you, it’s not right to expose someone’s shortcomings. No personal attacks, okay? Yan Anyang, do you think Judge Qi can memorize those standards by trying it every day? Anyway, I know in this office, aside from Chief Judge Chu, no one else can memorize them all. Not necessarily. Ye Xuan might be able to. That kid is not rich in scheming, carefree, with his head in the clouds. He might be able to make it. Talking behind someone’s back, be careful your tongue may rot. According to Dong Ming, he was supposed to negotiate with the buyers today to sell this factory. We can only get the money after the factory is sold. Only then can the issue be resolved. Now everyone is making such a fuss, it will only add difficulty and obstacles to his negotiations. This broken factory would have been sold long ago if there were someone who wanted it! I’m the agent lawyer of Qi Lun Group. I’m here to solve the issue of the workers. You are fooling us, aren’t you? Exactly! Isn’t that fooling us? How can you be like this? Everybody quiet down! Let me finish speaking! Fellow workers, quiet down. Judge Chu here is telling the truth. She’s not fooling you. Who are you? I’m the lawyer commissioned by Qi Lun Group, Mu Zifeng. I’m here today specifically to discuss the acquisition of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. I need to talk to Dong Ming. If you don’t let me talk to him, he won’t be able to sell the factory. If he can’t sell the factory, then you all won’t get the wages you are owed. Shall we let them talk? We’re here for the money anyway. If they come to an agreement, won’t we get our money? Alright then, you can talk to him. Bro, this is about business secrets. I need a private space. Well, just finding any room will do. No way. If you are to talk, it should be in front of all of us. – Right! – Exactly! It should be in front of all of us! Everyone quiet down. I suggest letting this Lawyer Mu talk to Dong Ming alone. Once they have reached an agreement, the issue will be resolved. Let’s give Dong Ming a chance and also give ourselves a chance. Is that okay? Hello, sir. I am a judge at this court. My name is Qi Lin. How can you just eat steamed buns? This is for you. No need. I’m used to eating steamed buns. Don’t be polite to me. This is from our court’s cafeteria. Come on, eat it while it’s hot. Sorry. Come on. When I came to work this morning, I saw you here. Now that everyone has left, why are you still here? Do you have any business here? I’m waiting for someone. Who are you waiting for? Chief Judge Chu. Chief Judge Chu Yun from the Enforcement Department? Exactly. Do you have something to tell her? Judge Qi, if you see her, please tell her I, Zhang Jianguo, just want to see her. Time is pressing. I won’t beat around the bush. Qi Lun Group has made an evaluation and offered ten million yuan. How much? Ten million yuan. Are you taking advantage of a disaster, or do you think you’re buying vegetables here? My offer is 30 million. Even half of that would be more than this. A buyer was willing to give me 25 million before, and I didn’t sell. What are you thinking? Negotiating requires leverage. Look at the situation outside. I suggest you accept. Threatening me, huh? Fine. The price is negotiable. I’ll give in a bit. I want 25 million, not a penny less. Okay. Let me make a phone call for that. [Mu Zifeng] Mr. Chen, Mu Zifeng’s calling. Answer it. Hello? Hello, Mr. Li. Dong Ming won’t accept the offer. He’s asking for more. He wants to increase the price. Give him an extra hundred thousand. Tell him this is my sincerity. Add a hundred thousand? Are you paying off beggars? Beggars couldn’t even get this money. You want to increase the price, and they actually give it to you. Honestly, I didn’t expect it. I’ll put the additional hundred thousand in the supplemental clause. Dong Ming, this is your last chance. Don’t get involved in this matter. Zhang Jianguo’s monthly retirement pay is 3,400 yuan, and 2,400 yuan of it is executed to the applicant, who is his son. Leaving a thousand, his basic life is still guaranteed. Later, his daughter said Zhang Jianguo was ill, and they somehow got some folk remedy containing Cordyceps. She said he was short on money and requested to stop the monthly deduction. They just don’t want to pay back. This family is really peculiar. The applicant is his son? Right. So, the son sued his father? Actually, his son is really filial. He owns a small restaurant. Life is quite tough for him. After making some money, he built a new house for his father. A few years ago, when their land was expropriated, Zhang Jianguo gave all the compensation to his daughter but didn’t give his son a cent. He felt aggrieved. So, he sued his own father. Right. This case was personally enforced by Chief Judge Chu. Zhang Jianguo and his daughter have come to make a fuss several times, but Chief Judge Chu drove them back. After quieting down for a while, for some reason, Zhang Jianguo came again recently. They’re out. Everyone, the contract has been signed. Really? According to the contract, within three days, Qi Lun Group will pay the first installment of three million to Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. The remaining amount will be paid within a week. Is that true? It should be true. Considering Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory has reached an acquisition agreement with Qi Lun Group, the court will now supervise and guide. Qi Lun Group should transfer the executed funds into the court’s account, and then the court will directly pay the workers. This time we will finally get the money. Judge Chu, I’m out of it now, right? Everyone’s satisfied, huh? That’s fine. Lawyer Mu, Qi Lun Group is requested to cooperate actively in this matter. As long as party A agrees, I will explain to party B. Did you all hear that? In three days, you will get the first batch of wages owed. – That’s great! – That’s great! Thank you, Lawyer Mu! – Thank you! – Thank you, Lawyer Mu and Judge! Alright. Now that the matter has been resolved, let’s not gather here anymore. Please go back. Okay, let’s go. Yang Wen, you three stay. Your wage-claiming actions today have seriously exceeded the necessary extent of self-help. You must bear the corresponding legal responsibility. I must take you back today. Shao Jun, take them away. No… Let’s go. No… Please cooperate. No… – Judge! – Let’s go. Judge! It’s been a long time! Yes, it has! You came just in time today. There would have been big trouble. Thank you. No problem. If I had come a bit earlier, it wouldn’t have caused you so much trouble. Have you joined Qi Lun Group? No, I work at Tiancheng Law Firm. This time I’m representing Qi Lun Group in this acquisition case. We shouldn’t just stand here talking. Do you have time tonight? I’ll treat you to dinner. That won’t do. You are now the agent lawyer for Qi Lun Group, and this case is not yet fully enforced. You and I are still interested parties. How about this? After this case is closed, I’ll treat you. Okay, good. So that means you owe me a meal? Alright. I’ll wait for you. [People’s Court of Qinggang City] Hello, Chief Judge Chu. Mr. Zhang, why are you here again? It’s about that matter again. Then you need to fill out a form first. State your specific requests, and make an appointment. I will answer you one by one. Judge Qi said he would help me clarify my matter to you. Which Judge Qi? Qi Lin. Judge Qi Lin. He’s also from your Enforcement Department. But I think it’s better for me to explain it to you in person. Mr. Zhang Jianguo, we have already completed the enforcement of your case. I’ve told you, that if you’re not satisfied with our enforcement result, you can raise an objection to the court. Coming to find me like this time and again is just meaningless. Chief Judge Chu, I don’t mean anything else. It’s just about that issue… about my retirement pension. I… I’ve already explained it clearly. If you have any thoughts about the pension, you can raise an objection. Ye Xuan, explain the objection process to Mr. Zhang. Take him to fill out the form. Mr. Zhang, come with me. I’ll take you to fill out the form. No, no need. I don’t have an objection. Chief Judge Chu! Mr. Zhang! – Chief Judge Chu! – Mr. Zhang! Chief Judge Chu has made it clear. I take you to fill out the form, or you go home first, okay? I don’t have an objection! Chief Judge Chu, you’ve worked hard! Chief Judge Chu, you’ve worked hard! You’ve worked hard! Chief Judge Chu, I want to report something to you. Go ahead. It’s about the case of the old man Zhang Jianguo. I want to talk to you about it. I think the way you handled it before was a bit hasty and rash. Do you think so? Where do you think it was rash? I’m sorry, I used the word "rash" a bit rashly. I mean, you’ve already enforced the case. And for you, it’s just a small case. Recently, everyone has been too busy to look after this, so… What are you up to? I want to ask you if I can represent the 2nd Enforcement Division to understand the situation in case there’s a new discovery? You want to represent the 2nd Enforcement Division? Judge Qi, have I neglected you in any way since you’ve been here? Or are my words incomprehensible to you? Or are you pretending to be confused? What am I confused about? What is the main task I assigned to you? Memorizing the standards. Have you memorized them yet? It doesn’t conflict with understanding the situation. Qi Lin, let me tell you, don’t cause trouble for me! You cause trouble when you’re out enforcing, and you still cause trouble when you’re sitting in the office. I know, you encouraged Zhang Jianguo to come to me. What do you want to do? You only have one month of probation. Can’t we just live in peace? Do you have to make things unpleasant? What do you mean? Are you saying I’m here to cause trouble? Isn’t that the case? Do you think I wanted to come? It was the rotation system that assigned me here. It was the leaders who arranged for me to come. Our Criminal Division handles 800 cases a year, among them, I’ve closed over 260. You can review any of the cases I’ve handled. Each one is solid. The Criminal Law has 452 articles and 350 charges. The case files I review each year are measured in tons. In the entire court, I’m the judge with the highest case closure rate! What about your Enforcement Division? Aside from debt collection and auctioning, what else is new for you? On my first day, you wanted to get rid of me. I didn’t say anything, did I? You badmouthed me in front of Director General Zhou, and I kept quiet. Since I was new here, you treated me like an intern and made me memorize standards, and I did it, right? Chu Yun, I respect that you are my superior. I try my best to do what you ask. But have you ever respected me? You’re finally telling the truth, right? Our department is nothing in your eyes! Ask yourself, have you respected the Enforcement Department? What I’m saying now isn’t about respecting the Enforcement Department. It’s about you! It’s about the case of Mr. Zhang Jianguo! Yes, I’m temporarily working under you, but don’t forget, I am a judge with a quota. Here with you, do I not even have the basic right to enforce the law? You do! Of course, you do. Didn’t you just brag about it? You can turn 260 cases into solid cases in one year. So, in our department, every case we enforce has problems, doesn’t it? Do we really have no trust between us? Or do you think you’re superior as a judge from the Criminal Division? You don’t need to make such a fuss. I just happened to meet Mr. Zhang Jianguo. He told me about his situation. I can’t pretend I didn’t hear it. I can’t pretend I don’t know anything. What’s great about your department? Are all the cases you handle trouble-free and beyond doubt? Your Enforcement Department is the best, not to be provoked? Fine, Judge Qi, since you’ve put it that way, go check it. Go check every case our department has handled. But there’s one thing, don’t use office hours. As long as you work in this department, as long as you’re in this office, you have to listen to me! Please remember what you said today. I’ll definitely check the case of Mr. Zhang Jianguo to the end! Judge Qi, enough! Chief Judge Chu, please calm down. Judge Qi, you should apologize. I won’t apologize. I didn’t do anything wrong! She should apologize! No… Chief Judge Chu, he didn’t mean that. I know what he meant. Don’t try to smooth things over here! I’ll leave. No… Chief Judge Chu… Where are you going? I need to see Zhou Lei. I have never suffered such humiliation in the Criminal Division! Are you just giving up like that? Why did you go to Chief Judge Chu just now? Weren’t you for Mr. Zhang? You weren’t going there to argue! You can’t get things backward! I was just too frustrated. Judge Qi, we haven’t worked on many cases together, but I think you’re a very calm person. But just now, I think your technical actions were a bit distorted. Judge Qi, I think, just now, you really shouldn’t have argued with Chief Judge Chu. What does this have to do with you? You don’t understand! Here’s all the information related to Zhang Jianguo’s case. I can only help you this far. Why are you helping me? Because you have lots of ideas. Maybe you can solve this issue. He’s getting on in years, but visiting here every day, It’s really pitiful. Thank you. And you? Why are you helping me? I want to prove to you that I’m not a traitor. Zhang, where did you go today? You keep picking up bottles every day. How much are they worth? If you have free time, you should visit the court more often and ask them to reverse the judgment. The two of us only have 1,000 yuan a month, how can we live on that? I’ll try to make time for it. Take it serious, will you? I ordered a spicy hot pot for lunch. It’s too spicy for you. You’ll get a stomach ache. There are instant noodles in the kitchen. You can handle it yourself. Who is it? Hello, are you Zhang Rui? I’m from the Enforcement Department of Qinggang Court. My name is Qi Lin. Is there anything you need? I’d like to meet with you to talk about your father. Well, hasn’t the case been judged? Just execute it as it should be. But your father has kept coming to the Enforcement Department recently. Do you know about this? I don’t know. We haven’t been in contact. Judge, is there anything else? I’m quite busy now. When are you free? I’ll come to you. I’m at the seafood market every day at three in the morning. Three in the morning? Yes, three in the morning. [Lanxin Beauty Salon] The food’s here! Come on, I bought the fish you love, and this too. What’s wrong? I sold the factory. Yes? Isn’t that a good thing? When did you sell it? Today. You sold it to Qi Lun Group? How much did you sell it for? I did sell it to them… for ten million yuan. Why so cheap? Those wage-claiming workers came at that moment of all times, neither earlier nor later. Right when they were making a fuss, Qi Lun Group sent a lawyer to talk about the acquisition. I was forced to sign for this price. So, what now? Let’s just wait until they pay. This matter isn’t over. [Xiaoshan New Village] Where is it? Just this unit, second floor. No need to be so polite. We only have this poor tea. Please don’t mind it, Mr. Li. It’s fine. Ma’am, we’ve heard about what happened with Yang Wen. He just wanted to get some wages back, but it turned out like this. Thanks for your concern, Mr. Li. This is a little something from Qi Lun Group. I can’t accept this money, Mr. Li. I can’t. Ma’am, I understand your family’s situation. Your child is going to college. Your mother is not in good health. There’s a need for money everywhere. Don’t be polite to us. We’re all family here. Well, then thank you, Mr. Li. Thank you all. Two more families have had someone detained. Is everything ready? Ready. Fine, one by one. For such matters, I can handle myself. I must handle it personally. Today, we’ll handle this one matter. It has been a long time! Yes, it has! Are you stupid, support? Just following the marksman? Don’t you see his economic condition? He’s just trash! Marksman, switch lanes. Quickly! Follow me… Where are the people? Anyone? Do I not deserve a support? Are you all bots? Bot lane! Follow me! Low health. Don’t… Bot lane, follow me! Come on, where are the people? Marksman, what’s your problem? Are you here to give away stars? Are you angry? No. Sorry, was I too loud? It’s okay, continue playing. But you should close the door. I’ll remember that. You’re really nice! Let’s start another round! Start another game! I’ll switch characters. Come on… Yan Anyang? Yan Anyang? Here! Let me help you. No need, I can do it myself. Thank you. Judge Qi, do you prefer the upper or lower bunk? I think the lower bunk is better. It’s more convenient. I’ve cleared the desk for you. No worries, I’m not here every day. Any is fine. Hello, Judge Qi. Hello. Here, this is for you. This kind of exam tool isn’t easy to find nowadays. The books are easy to find, but these notes are unique. Inside, I’ve extracted the key points, and there are analyses of key cases. Treasure it. Thank you, Master! Master, you’re welcome! Can I borrow the notes? Sure, here. Thank you. Are you that generous? You haven’t even checked it yourself. You don’t know, he’s the famous computer of the Enforcement Department. He has a photographic memory. He’ll finish and remember by dawn tomorrow. Impressive, right? Just asking, I heard you two calling each other "Master", What’s that about? Regarding legal exams, he’s my master. Regarding boxing, I’m his master. Got it? Thank you for helping me move. I’ll treat you to a late-night snack tonight. You should have said earlier. I just ate instant noodles. How about this? You can treat me tomorrow at noon, just at the cafeteria. If I treat you at noon, you’ll save a day’s meal money. Have you planned out your thriftiness? You don’t understand. Alright, I’m heading out. Call me if you need anything. Tomorrow at noon, see you in the cafeteria. Judge Qi, Shao Jun’s salary isn’t low, but why is he so stingy? He’s saving up for his daughter. You’ll understand once you have a family of your own. I remember you’re single, too. I learned these insights from others. [Alarm clock] [Qingpu Fishermen’s Trading Pier] [Wu’s Seafood Shop] Alright. Zhang Rui, hello. I’m Qi Lin from the People’s Court of Qinggang City. I’ve contacted you before, remember? Oh, you’re really here! I said I would come. I must keep my word. Nice to meet you. My hands are dirty. It’s okay. Did you just hurt your hand? No… – Are you okay? – I’m fine. I’ve been used to it. About the fish, do you have to personally pick each one? Running a seafood restaurant… – You’re here. – Ingredients are crucial. – I can’t trust anyone else. – Are mine all packed? – Grandma, I’ll go now. – All packed. Thank you. Take care. Thank you. Have you contacted your father recently? No. Since I sued him last year, I haven’t contacted him. I haven’t seen him for a year. I visited him during the New Year, but he wouldn’t let me in. I just left the gifts at the door. I visited again last month and wasn’t let in either. I was driven away by Zhang Qing. Is Zhang Qing your younger sister? She stopped considering me as family long ago. I just think your family’s issue needs to be resolved, like both sides taking a step back. It can’t keep being dragged on. Hasn’t the court judged already? Yes, it was judged, but recently your father has come to the court many times. He’s asking for a judgment change. At his age, running around like this isn’t appropriate, is it? As his child, shouldn’t you consider more for your father? Consider for him? Has he considered for me? Our family had three million yuan in demolition compensation, but I didn’t get a cent. It all went to buying Zhang Qing a house. Did he consider me when he did that? I was not mad at you, Judge. So the root of your family’s issue lies in this three million yuan? Regarding our family’s issue, let’s just execute it as it should be. Put it here. Ma’am! You’re pregnant. Don’t carry such heavy things. I’ll do it. It’s okay. I’m used to it every day. I married a good wife. Judge Qi, your clothes got dirty. I’ll place it here. I’m okay. Thank you. No problem. Rui, your father needs to take Cordyceps year-round because he’s ill. Do you know about this? I don’t know. He’s ill? Is his illness serious? No, I was just asking. Judge Qi, take these two fish. No, that’s against discipline. – I can’t take it. – Take it. Really no need. It’s not for you. I was thinking, since you’ll visit my father-in-law soon to understand the situation, and he likes fish, could you take this to him for me? Alright. Thank you! No problem. [Qinggang Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau] Regarding the issue with Yongkang, though there were flaws in the process, it was handled well. How about the wages owed to the workers? Qi Lun Group’s initial payment has been made. Proportionally, the fund will first pay a portion of the workers’ wages, then compensate the debts owed to other companies. There shouldn’t be any issues. We mustn’t cause more social incidents. This matter started with your Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, it should end with you. Don’t worry, Mayor, I will handle this matter properly. However, this time Qi Lun Group really helped us out of a pressing crisis, unlike some companies that are just profit-driven and pass the buck. For outstanding companies, as long as they don’t break laws and regulations, regarding their business, we should support them to a certain extent. Understood. Keep a close watch on the workers’ wages. Got it. Your fish. What’s the matter? Can’t you be awake? You might be fine, but I’ve been up since two in the morning. Anyone would be sleepy at this point. Two in the morning? Have you acted alone again? Why didn’t you call me? Why should I call you? Who knows if you’d report me again? Why do you hold grudges like that? Didn’t I apologize to you last time? Don’t you trust me? Just kidding. I went to the seafood market and met with Zhang Rui. You all say we judges have a hard and tiring job. Honestly, you should visit the seafood market. They start work at three in the morning every day. For us, overtime is just occasional. But for them, it’s daily. I actually understand this. My dad used to run a chain restaurant. From the time I was in kindergarten until I graduated from junior high, from the moment I got up in the morning until I went to bed at night, I never saw my dad. It wasn’t until he took me to college that I suddenly realized my dad had gotten old. Therefore, a happy life is earned through hard work! Be careful, kid! Watch out for cars. ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face it♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Fighting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪