[INDO SUB] Departemen Keadilan (Enforcement Department) EP07 | Luo Jin/Yang Zishan | YOUKU

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 7] Oh, Zhang. You’re just too gullible. Why would anyone invite you to dinner? Who are you, really? So funny! Qing, if you really don’t want to go, then let’s just not go. Why not go? I’m here, anyway. Why not eat good food for free? I want to see what tricks he has. Has the car arrived? They’ve arranged a car for us. It’s right at the door. Consider them thoughtful. [Braised pork rice, barbecued pork] Mr. Zhang, right here. Be careful. Watch the steps. So, you invite us to this little place? Remember, call a car to take us back after eating. Don’t worry. It’s all arranged. This way, please. Auntie, the guests are here! Here! There are more dishes. In our place, it’s all home cooking. It’s not very fancy, but… But the flavor is there. Talking about pig trotters, stewed in a 30-year-old broth. That’s my specialty. And this pork knuckle. – And these intestines… – Enough. Enough. I want to introduce to them. No need. Enjoy your meal! Yes. Auntie! Help lift the curtain! Okay. Thank you. Here comes the main dish. Mr. Zhang, let me serve you a bowl. It’s a small shop, but the food here tastes great. Thank you. Please, have a taste. Okay, thank you. Here, let me serve you a bowl too. How does it taste? Just like my partner’s cooking back in the day. Zhang Qing, here, try some too. It’s still hot. How is it? Zhang Rui, come out here! Zhang Rui, come out here! Alright, so you’ve teamed up to bully me, huh? I thought you had a change of heart and wanted to apologize. What are your intentions? Zhang Qing, calm down, okay? Judge Qi means well. Sit down and let’s talk. What is there to talk about, Zhang Rui? A son suing his father, giving us just about a thousand a month? Can a person even do that? You want to talk now? When you abandoned us, why didn’t you talk then? When you were cutting off your father, why didn’t you talk then? You want to talk now? Talk to him. Isn’t he a judge? If you really want to talk, tell him to unblock Dad’s salary card and give me the money. Say it! – Don’t get mad here, will you? – Say it! Mom says you’ve been unreasonable since childhood. Now that you’ve grown up, can you be reasonable? Is your mother reasonable? You’ve always had the best of everything and learned everything you wanted. Me? My life’s been ruined by your mother! Can you talk properly? Isn’t she your mother too? She gave birth to me, but did she ever care for me? Does she deserve to be my mother? How did she not care for you? Say that again! I dare to say it! Isn’t she your mother too? I’ll ask you again, isn’t she your mother too? Say it one more time! Isn’t she your mother too? You dare to hit me? We didn’t come here to fight, okay? Don’t be angry. Let’s talk nicely, okay? Come, sit down. You sit down too. Sit down. Today, this gathering was my doing. Can you listen to me for a minute? Stop going on about your mom. You two are from the same mother, related by blood. You’re the closest people in this world. Can we not direct the nastiest words and the most malicious actions towards the people closest to us? Zhang Qing, where your inexplicable hatred comes from, I don’t know. I can understand you have your grievances. But those things are in the past. Dwelling on them is simply pointless. We need to look forward, don’t we? Your brother Zhang Rui told me himself, he’s willing to reconcile. This seafood congee he made represents his intentions. I hope you can also bring a positive attitude. Today, having your family in this place is to say one thing: Let go of hatred and live well. Stop tormenting yourselves. It’s tough on your dad being caught in the middle. Judge Qi, sorry, Dad, Ya is about to give birth. Ya is about to give birth? She is eight months pregnant. I’m going to be a grandfather! Zhang Qing, you’re going to be an aunt! You guys are playing filial piety with me? Zhang, stop pretending, okay? You’ve wanted to dump me, right? Go with him! Or why don’t you publish it in the newspaper and cut off our relationship? You heartless beasts! Zhang Qing, you jerk, do you know that? I’m the jerk? I’ll show you what a real jerk is! Zhang Qing, you’re too much! Mr. Zhang, stop. Mr. Zhang. Zhang Rui, don’t blame your sister, but blame me. I’ve been to the seafood market. I saw that earning money wasn’t easy for you. However, I gave all of my pension to your sister. If you want to hate, hate me. It’s okay. Zhang Qing, you’re out of line! I bought you a house. I gave you my pension. I’ve supported you. But have you ever thought what would you do if I died? Dad, let’s not talk anymore. Come home with me. So sorry about that. So sorry. Go ahead and make a scene. Let’s leave. It’s all your fault! The road ahead is too narrow. We can’t even drive through. Shall I call him out? No need, let’s walk. It’s the No. 21. [Rear Great God Temple, No. 21] Hello, is anyone home? Who is it? Is Shi Guangxing home? Are you Shi Guangxing? Yes, it’s me. And you are? We’re from Qi Lun Group of Qinggang. This is our boss, Mr. Li Bo. You and your coworker Wu Xingbing were injured at work and sued Yongkang. Why did you suddenly withdraw the lawsuit later? It was because we wanted to extort money. Mr. Ming found out. He forgave us with generosity. It’s been so long, please don’t ask anymore. Please leave. Dong Ming has long been burdened by debt. He sold the factory to us, and can’t throw his weight around anymore. Mr. Shi, this time, I came specifically for you on behalf of Qi Lun Group. You really aren’t Dong Ming’s people? Of course, we’re not Dong Ming’s people. Mr. Shi, listen to me. You used to work at Yongkang, but Qi Lun has acquired Yongkang. So now, you are one of us at Qi Lun. We’re family. Dong Ming is a bad person! He’s not even human! Mr. Li, listen to me. This matter… This… Mr. Shi, don’t be afraid. We’re recording evidence for you. Say it as it should be said. Okay. Mr. Li, Dong Ming is a bad person. He passed off inferior products as good quality. We knew they were inferior. None of us wanted to make them. But Dong Ming forced us. He said if anything happened, he’d take the blame. Then one day, the rail suddenly broke, and a bunch of parts crushed us. My leg was broken by that. And Wu, he was crushed into paralysis. Dong Ming not only didn’t take responsibility, but he also bribed everyone around to make false testimonies, saying it was our fault. He even threatened me in the hospital, saying if we dared to sue him, he would break my other leg. Has Dong Ming watched too many gangster movies? Who does he think he is? No respect for the law. Very good. Who is it? Who is it? Zhang Rui. Dad’s going to stay at my place. I came to get him a few clothes. Zhang Rui, Just pretend to be a good person! Zhang should have moved out long ago. This house was mine. The money is mine too. Don’t even think about swallowing his pension alone. Zhang Qing, you don’t need to shout at me. I won’t argue with you anymore. From now on, live however you want to live as long as you feel comfortable. I will take care of Dad. Me, my wife, and that unborn child, your future nephew, we won’t hate you. It’s also my fault, I was just too eager to solve your family’s issues. I oversimplified things. I even arranged for your family to gather at my aunt’s little restaurant, hoping the atmosphere would be more harmonious, and hoping everyone could talk things out. But I couldn’t have expected, that the table would be flipped, dinner wouldn’t be eaten, and congee wasn’t drunk. So today, I specifically brought the congee to you. I need to tell you about the current situation. Your father voluntarily asked to stay at your brother’s house. He also requested not to change the verdict. He told our court to proceed as previously judged. We’ve been in touch for so long, so you should know that I’m a meddler. But I don’t meddle in everything. As an outsider, I can see that actually, your family’s issues aren’t really big. You’re all family. What is more important than family? Actually, your dad is also responsible. During these years, why he has spoiled you so much? Is it because you’re loud and he’s afraid of you? It’s because he loves you too much. So does your brother. When I went to his house to understand the situation, he tearfully told me that he doesn’t even know since when and why siblings became enemies. Really. From his state, I could feel he really cared about this relationship, and he really cared about you, his sister. Your brother also said he can give up everything and all his rights. Why will he do that? I think you should understand. Now the whole family has opened their arms to you. It’s just you left. Put yourself in their shoes, can you give your family a chance and give yourself one, too? Dong Ming not only didn’t take responsibility, but he also bribed everyone around, forcing them to give false testimony, saying it was our fault. He even threatened me in the hospital, saying if we dared to sue him, he would break my other leg. Dong Ming is outrageous. He completely disregards the law. I’ve found other victims, including those giving false testimony. They are all willing to cooperate. Then, on behalf of Qi Lun Group, let’s give each of them a donation to improve their lives. By the way, Mu Zifeng has thoroughly investigated the messy affairs associated with Dong Ming. We just need to find Fang Qiang and complete the procedures. Cui Tiancheng is really anxious. He keeps apologizing to me and wants to explain to you. It seems he really doesn’t want to give up the opportunity to cooperate with Qi Lun Group. What’s the point of his apologies now? If it weren’t for his mistake, Dong Ming wouldn’t have cause trouble to us. Once this news leaks, we won’t be able to acquire those surrounding lands at a low price. Rui. Judge Qi. Ma’am. – You’re here. – Good morning! Mr. Zhang, Judge Qi. How have you been? I’ve brought you some Cordyceps to help strengthen your body. I didn’t bring much. They’re too expensive. I thought they’re a medicinal primer to you. Here. How can I accept such expensive stuff? I didn’t buy them. They’re from Zhang Qing. Don’t lie to me. Dad. I was wrong, Dad. It was my fault. Dad. How did you get in here? Drunk in broad daylight, Mr. Ming? Liu? Liu? Liu! Stop shouting. I’ve asked that waiter to step aside. What are you up to? Take a look at this. Dong Ming not only didn’t take responsibility, but he also bribed everyone around, forcing them to give false testimony, saying it was our fault. He even threatened me in the hospital, saying if we dared to sue him, he would break my other leg. How do you know it was Dong Ming who forced them? What do you mean? Playing the hero? It’s all business, seeking profit is the foundation. However, Qi Lun Group operates on the principle of safety first. Don’t beat around the bush. Just speak plainly. This material could reach my hands, and it could also reach the police. The cases you’re involved in now are not just about debt, but also intimidation and intentional injury. The last two charges alone could get you about seven years in jail. For using substandard steel and causing disability to workers, its sentence has to be calculated separately. If things move quickly, I estimate the police will here for you by tomorrow afternoon. I advise you to make preparations early. Aren’t you afraid that if I get caught, I might expose Qi Lun Group? What can you expose? Qi Lun Group operates transparently and acts legally. Your speculations don’t constitute evidence. Then why not directly call the police and have the police come and arrest me? Why come here and talk to me? Leave a way out, we’ll meet again in the future. Mr. Chen’s idea is for you to take a trip and clear your mind. Without you in Qinggang, I could also be freed up to do some other things. The more things I have, the less likely I am to care about this material. What do you think? Okay, I understood. Mr. Ming is a real man, admirable for being able to undergo change. That final payment of 710,000 yuan has been transferred to your account. Check it. I sincerely hope you rise again elsewhere. This final payment is just your one-way expense. Bon voyage. [Qi Lun Group] Mr. Chen. Division Director Shen. Division Director Shen. Is there something urgent that has you rushing? Mr. Chen, I came to ask when Qi Lun Group will pay the final payment for Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. Such a small matter, you could have just ordered over the phone. Why bother making a trip? Take a seat, please. You should put it like that, Mr. Chen. The matters of the people, no matter how small, are big issues. The workers are waiting for their wages from Qi Lun Group. You’re right, but there’s been a new development that I haven’t had the chance to report to you. My fault, I’ve been a bit busy. What’s the situation? The shareholding of Yongkang is not complete. Dong Ming is not the sole shareholder. There’s still ten percent in someone else’s hands. When did this happen? I only found out these past few days. It’s a mistake by Tiancheng Law Firm. But this situation puts us in a difficult position. If there’s a dispute over the factory’s shares, then acquiring it becomes meaningless. Mr. Chen, we can’t just start something and not finish it. Mayor Chu has also inquired about this matter. Solving the factory’s issue is also taking a load off the city. And it’s related to the future development of Qi Lun Group. I understand everything you’re saying, but the group’s management isn’t something I can decide alone. Turn left ahead, then right, and you’ll be there. Got it. Thank you. No problem, Thank you. Turn left, then right. Bad news! That elderly is here again! Which one? Zhang Jianguo. He is here with his son and they don’t look happy. Mr. Zhang, why are you here again? Judge Qi, I came specifically to thank you this time, and Judge Ouyang too. If it weren’t for you coming to understand the situation, our family’s issues would have never been resolved. Thank you so much! Please don’t. Absolutely don’t. Your family’s issues were smoothly resolved mainly because our court’s Chief Judge Chu specifically authorized me to investigate. If you want to thank anyone, you should thank her. Chief Judge Chu, thank you. Don’t. It’s good that you and your son have reconciled. I was in charge of this case, but you were not satisfied and came to me several times. I didn’t listen to your concerns seriously and failed to solve your problem. I’ve neglected you. Here, I apologize to you. Please don’t say that. Thank you. I am very satisfied. We are really quite satisfied. Thank you, Chief Judge Chu. Judge Qi, I came today to withdrawal the enforcement. My dad insisted on coming with me. He hasn’t been able to sleep these past few nights, just thinking about how to thank you. He thought about sending you something, but was afraid you wouldn’t accept due to discipline. He thought about inviting you to a meal, but was worried you would end up paying. So after much thought, he prepared this. [Serve the people with love for the people] "Serve the people with love for the people!" Thank you, Mr. Zhang! Thank you, too. Judge Qi, my dad has another request. Go ahead! He wants to take a photo with you all. Sure! Chief Judge Chu. Come over here, Mr. Zhang. Chief Judge Chu. Chief Judge. Look over here. One, two, three. Beautiful! [Serve the people with love for the people] Let’s just hang it here! This is the first banner received by our 2nd Enforcement Division, so we need to hang it in the most visible place and let everyone in the court see it! Right place! It can be seen right as you enter! Isn’t it embarrassing? Other divisions in our court get banners all the time. If they were to hang theirs up, their entire office wouldn’t fit them. Look at you guys, you just got one banner and you’re hanging it so prominently. Why not hang it over the door as a curtain? Is that really appropriate? Take it down. Just hang it up. After all, it’s the first banner received by our division, jointly given by the applicant and the respondent. It’s a great acknowledgment of our work, and is very meaningful. So where should we hang it? Follow me. Let’s hang it here. It can be seen here and it’s not too conspicuous. Hang it. – Grab a chair. – Grab a chair. Qi Lin, come with me. Bring that book of standards with you. I can’t take credit for others’ work. Thank you for just now. Don’t mention it. Last time, I was a bit unstable emotionally and said things I shouldn’t have. I apologize to you. It should be me apologizing to you. I shouldn’t have spoken to you, and about the department like that. Indeed, you can criticize me, but you shouldn’t criticize our department, because you are also part of it. Don’t always side with others. You need to have a sense of collective honor. Don’t always call us "you." You’re right. I will definitely correct it. Then let’s consider our matter settled. I agree. Give it back to me. Why? You don’t need to memorize it anymore. I’ve already memorized it. You can quiz me anytime. Then my goal has been achieved. Okay. If there’s nothing else, I’ll… Wait a second. Inform everyone, we’re leaving on time today. Let’s have a dinner party to celebrate tonight. [Serve the people with love for the people] I want some. Thank you. Give me some too. Alright. Thank you. Changing into this outfit, does it look a bit odd on me? Self-reliance, what’s odd about that? Congrats, today is your first day at work. Thank you. Please order your food. Do you have Cordyceps chicken stew? I really like chicken soup. Stop saying the wrong thing! Oh, I forgot it. We do. Whatever you order, we have anyhow. Sorry, I didn’t mean it. It’s okay. [Xinghai Seafood Restaurant] Chief Judge Chu, my dad made a few scenes at the Enforcement Department before. It was all my doing. I apologize to you. Enough. What’s this for? If your family can resolve their issues and return to harmony, that’s also the wish of every judge in the Enforcement Department. Remember, family harmony leads to prosperity. I remembered. What are we here for? Let’s order the dishes! Let’s order the food. Well, bring up all the dishes your brother is good at. What’s your brother good at? Giant grouper, swimming crab, clams, wild prawns… But what I recommend the most is Zhang’s seafood congee. Okay, we want everything. Old rules, it’s on me. Order to our heart’s content! Let’s first order everything on the menu. I agree. Let’s live the life of the rich for once. It doesn’t matter if we can finish them all. The display is the key. Tonight must be a seafood feast. Not seeking the best but the most expensive. Not seeking the best but the most expensive! You’re egging me on too! Not seeking the best but the most expensive! Do you still want me to pick up the tab? I am your senior! Judge Qi, help me shut them up! Not seeking the best but the most expensive! [Lanxin Beauty Salon] [Dai Lan] ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face it♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Fighting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪