[INDO SUB] Departemen Keadilan (Enforcement Department) EP08 | Luo Jin/Yang Zishan | YOUKU

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 8] [Lanxin Beauty Salon] [Dai Lan] [Power Off] [Taishang Baolong Plaza Branch] Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is powered off. Enjoy your meal. Thank you. Come on. Allow me to toast you all with water. I haven’t been in the Enforcement Department long, but I’ve caused a lot of trouble. I’d like to apologize to everyone, especially to Chief Judge Chu. I have to apologize to you sincerely. By this cup of water. I’ll drink up. Judge Qi. Wait a minute. Sit down. Why? The 2nd Enforcement Division has always had a high rate of closure, but also a high rate of complaints. Closing cases is always a requirement of our work. Because of the frequency of complaints, I sometimes console myself with the peculiarities of enforcement, but that’s probably the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my job. You’ve changed that since you came. I’d like to say now that for the first time in the history of the Enforcement Department, a respondent and an applicant came together to present a banner. Judge Qi has shown us what principled and warm enforcement is all about. It enlarges the meaning of case settlement and harmonizes the relationship between us and the public. Judge Qi. You’ve taught me a lesson. I hope that from now on, everyone in the 2nd Enforcement Division will learn from Judge Qi, so let’s toast to Judge Qi first today. OK. No. Chief Judge Chu, I don’t deserve that. Your words make me at a loss. Come on. Let’s toast Judge Qi with water. We drink up. Are you moving or not? Are you going to be a scoundrel in front of your neighbors? When will you move out? Don’t try to fool me! You have to move today. Yes, you have to. I won’t. Dong Ming sold the house. Go to him. He also owes me money. Why don’t you understand? Dong Ming has already sold this house to us. Excuse me. What do you want by staying here? Guys, let’s talk this over. What are you doing here? Lan. What’s going on here? Dong Ming really sold the house? I don’t know. He ran away. I can’t get in touch with him. He took everything of value. Okay, don’t worry. Guys. Do you have the purchase contract? I do have it. A copy. This house was sold months ago? Yes. Dong Ming transferred the house to me but still wants to live here. I said I could rent it to him. The rent is 15,000 a month. However, he owes two months’ rent and can’t be reached. Do you have a rental contract? Yes. I brought all with me today. I have everything you need. Sir. The lease is for two years. Pay three months’ rent at a time. One month’s deposit. It’s only been six months. But she hasn’t paid the rent. Don’t worry. You should go to Dong Ming. My cousin was cheated by him. How about this? We continue to honor the lease. How? I’ll give you a lump sum of 90,000 to cover the half year’s rent. My cousin is staying. OK. [Qinggang No. 2 Hospital] [In-patient Department] Victim, Ren Xue. Female, 22 years old. [Applicant for execution] A dance teacher at Affiliated Secondary School of Qinggang Arts College. Defendant, Liu Zeguang. Male. 25 years old. Unemployed. [Executed. Name: Liu Zeguang] At 3 AM on 10th April, Defendant Liu Zeguang drove a Maserati sedan, hit, and injured the victim, Ren Xue, by running a red light, resulting in the victim’s fifth-degree disability. The Public Security Traffic Department determined [Crash scene] that the driver, Liu Zeguang, was fully responsible for the accident and was required to pay the victim Ren Xue a total of 902,000 yuan after the verdict of this court. After the defendant Liu Zeguang paid the victim’s first surgical treatment fee of 124,000 yuan, the rest of the compensation has not yet been paid, so the victim Ren Xue filed an application for enforcement with this court. The case was handled by the 2nd Enforcement Division. Liu Zeguang’s car accident case will be handled by Qi Lin with Ye Xuan’s support. OK. There are two points I need to add. Liu Zeguang’s failure to pay the remaining compensation has seriously affected the applicant’s follow-up treatment and rehabilitation. The applicant is now in need of 24-hour companionship. The monthly expenses for nursing and nutrition are huge. Another thing. The teachers and students of the dance class of her school have written to the court twice to appeal for the expeditious execution of Liu Zeguang’s car accident case. They believe that the Liu family has a huge family business. He hit her in a Maserati. He is arrogant and has a bad attitude. They can afford to pay, but they don’t want to. Rich jerk. I hate scoundrels like that. What did you say? I insist on joining the execution of Liu Zeguang’s car accident case. You have other work. Tell me what’s going on. Dong Ming swindled my money to pay for his Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. I even vouched for him. Go on. After I gave him the money, my salon’s cash flow went down. He said he had a channel to get me some cheap products, so I believed him. However, customers used those products and got disfigured. They sued me. Oh, my God. What a mess. How much do you owe? Let me pay for it for now to get over the current problem. Over ten million. Over ten million? The compensation alone is over eight million. Lan. Since you guaranteed Dong Ming’s debt, you should have taken over his claim at the same time. If you sell Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory, you’ll be able to pay off the debt, won’t you? He sold the factory to Qi Lun Group at a low price long ago. To Qi Lun Group? The debtors were pushing him hard, so he sold it for 10,100,000. Did you know, Lan? Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory is now the only remaining treasure in the whole of Qinggang. Everyone in the real estate industry knows how hard it is to buy this land, but you sold it for 10.1 million? That’s what Dong Ming used to say, but it was developed twice and failed, so the value of the land hasn’t gone up even now. What if this development is real? Then that’s his fate. He doesn’t have the destiny to get rich. Liu Chuan, why are you hiding? Do you care about our son? Listen to me. If you don’t, our life can’t go on. Are you forcing me to divorce you? [Chuanhe Logistics Group] Where’s the wedding ring? Where’s our wedding ring? You sold it, didn’t you? You sold your stock fund? What about your house? Did you sell it too? Zhang Yan. You have nothing now, so you’re forcing me, aren’t you? Do the math. How much money have you thrown into this mess? I’m his mother. I can’t just ignore my son’s problems. Why can’t you? Has he learned his lesson? Liu. He’s our only son. He’s ignorant, but didn’t you teach him a lesson? He said if you help him again, he’d change. Stop it. Do you believe what you’re saying? Zhang Yan, listen. I won’t get involved in your son’s affairs. Come on. Move, please. Give me some experience. Takeout is here. Takeout is here. Takeout. Takeout is here. I’m coming. Thank you. Yes. [Mom] Hey, Mom. What did the old man say? Your dad still doesn’t care. I’m still persuading him. Where are you? Come over here. I’m not going. He doesn’t care, so why should I go? Tell him he’s not my father from now on. I don’t know him anymore. Guang. Why don’t you go? None of your business. Mom, go home. I’m bored at home. I’d rather stay here with Xue. You’ve been here for four days. You can’t go without sleep. Are you afraid I can’t handle it? I’m afraid you can’t. You have to go to work. You must rest. Xue woke up just now. I asked her if she was still in pain. She said it was much better. She is sensible. [Strive to make the people feel fairness and justice] [in every judicial case] Apart from the Maserati, does Liu Zeguang really have nothing under his name? According to the investigation, no. And all of his credit card debt is overdue. His personal credit score is very poor. I can’t find any trace of him. His phone has been off the hook for over a month. We can’t reach him. Okay, I got it. Get in the car. Hello, sir. Who are you looking for? Sir. Managers. This year’s market environment is demanding. We’re all working very hard, but we’re still far from our performance target. Who are you looking for? Mr. Liu Chuan, right? Nice to meet you. Can’t you see I’m in a meeting? If there’s anything you need, please wait for me downstairs in the lounge. This way, please. It’s none of your business. Don’t get involved. If anything happens, you won’t handle it. Move away. Where’s Liu Zeguang? Honestly, I’m looking for him too. It’s no good if even his father can’t find him. Well, many people are here today. Say something in front of everyone. Liu Zeguang, Mr. Liu’s son, borrowed some money from me in March and said he’d pay it back in June, but he hasn’t paid back even a dime and has disappeared. Of course, I’m not afraid of him reneging. After all, Chuanhe Logistics Group is here. Right, Mr. Liu? Liu Zeguang owes you money. You should go to him. The father pays the son’s debt, and vice versa. If you’re a scoundrel like your son, you’re not taking us seriously, are you? Since we’re here today, you have to settle this. If you don’t want to, the end of Chuanhe Logistics Group is near. [Police] [Court] Hello, who are you looking for? Liu Chuan. Upstairs. How much does he owe you? Why didn’t you say it earlier? He borrowed 400,000 from me in March, now with interest, Just give me 1.13 million. So this is a loan shark. Shark? I don’t think so. He said it was life-saving money. I think your son’s life is worth more than that. Today, you must pay back the money. Are all loan sharks so high-profile now? Who is it? Good, Mr. Liu. People from the court are here. Remember. You can’t run away, but your company can’t. Wait. Liu Chuan. I’m Qi Lin, a judge from the Enforcement Department of the Qinggang Court. Do you need to call the police? No. Sir. Can we go now? I’m sorry. Who are you? I’m his wife. Are you Liu Zeguang’s mother? Yes, I am. It’s a good thing you’re both here. Are you aware of the verdict in Liu Zeguang’s car accident case? Yes, but I’m not going to pay for him. It’s not illegal, is it? No, but I hope you’ll think it over. We’re here today to talk to you. If we find out that Liu Zeguang has transferred property, he may be criminally liable. I know. Liu Chuan, let me remind you. According to Article 313 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, a person who has the ability but refuses to execute a judgment or decision of a people’s court and the circumstances are serious shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, or a fine. If the circumstances are particularly serious, the penalty shall be not less than three years fixed-term imprisonment and not more than seven years and a fine. Liu, did you hear that? Help Guang. You can’t watch your son go to jail? Judge Qi, I’ve thought it over. I won’t pay for him. Liu Zeguang is an adult. He should be responsible for his own behavior, right? Liu Chuan. Shut up! There’s one more thing. Liu Zeguang’s phone is out of service, and he’s out of touch. Do you know where he is now? No, I don’t. I haven’t talked to him for a long time. Besides, Judge Qi. I hope you won’t come to me again because of Liu Zeguang. That’s it. Thank you. Sorry for bothering you. Liu Chuan. You’re so cruel. Aren’t you afraid your son will go to jail? Aren’t you afraid the debt collectors will beat your son to death? Zhang Yan, listen. You’re the one who’ll be responsible if Guang goes to jail. If he gets beaten to death, it’s because you spoiled him. Yan Anyang has checked Liu Chuan’s phone records with Zhang Yan. Liu Chuan hasn’t had any contact with Liu Zeguang in the past three months, but Zhang Yan stopped talking to Liu Zeguang a month ago. However, she had almost daily telephone contact with a person named Sun Xinxin for nearly a month. Keep an eye on Zhang Yan. If we find Sun Xinxin, we’ll find Liu Zeguang. Got it. If they don’t make any progress by the end of the year, report back to me. Got it. And the board… I’ll take care of it. Do your jobs. OK. Division Director Shen, please have a seat. Do you know Dong Ming is missing? No. Mr. Chen. When are you going to pay the workers? They’re making trouble again. The government is under a lot of pressure. Mayor Chu is also furious because of this matter. Mayor Chu is furious because of this matter? It’s really a big mistake in my work. Don’t worry. Yesterday, we met overnight and made a decision. We are all cheated by Dong Ming, but Qi Lun Group will take up the social responsibility to help the government solve the problem. Zhongan Village, 1081. I’m incompetent and can’t persuade your father. Don’t blame him. I’ll sell the car tomorrow to get as much money as I can. We’ll pay back some of it first to show a good attitude. Okay. I’ve contacted my friend at the used car dealership. Your Audi Q5 can still be sold for 170,000. I’ll send you a location. You can just drive the car there. They’ll transfer the money to me. You’ve already made the contact? It’s only a matter of time, isn’t it? You… Okay, listen. The court just went to your dad. Guang, tell me. You didn’t transfer any assets, did you? Mom. The old man has been watching me like a thief for years. Do I have any assets? I used to make 30,000 a month at his company. Then he kept me from my work. I don’t even get paid. How can I have any assets? Even if I want to transfer my assets, how can I do it? What can I transfer? [Second Interview Room] How many times have I called you? You always said you could solve it, but after all this time, have you solved it? You were afraid we’d make a big deal, so you lied to us, right? Now Dong Ming is nowhere. We came to court, but you said you didn’t have money. You’re killing us by shirking your responsibility. Pay me back! – Pay me back! – Listen to me! Be quiet! Pay me back! Be quiet! Listen to me! Be quiet! Listen to me, okay? Here is the thing. According to the agreement, Qi Lun Group should pay the second installment to our court’s special account, but we haven’t received it yet. We don’t know what happened during that. But please don’t worry. I’ve just introduced myself to you. I’m Zhou Lei, Director General of the Enforcement Department. I’m here to make sure that the court will take responsibility for this matter, okay? We’ve heard too much of that. They’re all lies. It will be delayed day by day and end up with nothing definite, right? If we don’t settle this today, we’re not leaving. Pay me back! Let’s just calm down, okay? Pay me back! Pay me back! Mr. Chen. Lawyer Mu. Sit down, please. Mr. Chen. Time is running out, so I’ll get right to the point. We haven’t received the second installment in our special account from Qi Lun Group. I’d like to know why. I made the second payment to Dong Ming. Why didn’t you pay the money into our special account as agreed? Dong Ming disturbed me several times. He said he had an emergency and begged me to help him. It was really difficult for him, so I agreed. Mr. Chen. Since Qi Lun Group acquired Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory, you are obligated to take care of all their debts. You should properly solve the problem of workers’ unpaid wages. In the beginning, we had an agreement with Dong Ming. All the debts of Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory are included in the total amount of 10.1 million. This was clearly stipulated in the contract. But Dong Ming is now out of contact, so we asked you to come here to negotiate. The workers are now making a scene in the second interview room. We don’t want to escalate the situation. If this matter is not handled well, it will have an impact on Qi Lun Group. I hope you can take up your social responsibility. How much does Dong Ming owe his workers? 1,327,000 yuan. I’ll pay. What? You’re right. Qi Lun Group should be socially responsible. I’ll pay for it. That’s great. I’d like to thank you on behalf of the court. I’m sure the workers will be grateful to you, too. Mr. Chen, thank you. You’re welcome. Mr. Chen. You didn’t tell me you’d pay their wages. Let’s not talk about it. If Dong Ming is never found, the money may not be recovered. It’s the same as spending an extra 1,327,000 yuan to buy Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory. In an hour, the CFO will send over the cash. Take care of this matter. Don’t worry. Okay. I got it. How long will it take? Be patient. The money will be delivered in an hour. We’ll issue a receipt. With the receipt, when you find Dong Ming, you can recover the money from him. I understand. Thank you. I’m sure this can be done because you’ve done a lot of work on that. And the workers will appreciate it. Thank you. I’m glad the workers are getting paid. – Thank you. – Next. Thank you. You’re welcome. Hello. Chen Yingcai. Please sign. Thank you. Thank you. Next. You’re welcome. – Next. – Thank you. – Thank you. – You’re welcome. – Thank you. – Next. Good job. – Thank you. – Please sign. Thank you. Next. Thank you. You’re welcome. Thank you. Next. Thank you. You’re welcome. Please sign. – Thank you. – Next. Thank you. You’re welcome. [Court] Judge Qi. How’s it going? Zhongan Village, 1081. Zhang Yan went in and never came out. And that house has two doors, front and back. Grandma. I can’t go back now. I’m delivering something to Guang. I know. I’ll be back soon. Anyone here? We’re from the courthouse. Ms. Zhang Yan. We’re judges from the Enforcement Department of the Qinggang Court. Please open the door. Zhang Yan. We know you’re in there. We suspect you’re hiding a person subject to enforcement, Liu Zeguang. Please open the door. Mom, did you come straight from my dad’s place? Of course. Oh, man. What’s the point of doing this? Why don’t I just stay home and wait for them to catch me? Keep your voice down. Zhang Yan, if you don’t open the door, we’ll have to break down the door. I don’t know who you are. I’m not opening the door. My son isn’t here. Listen. If you keep knocking, I’ll call the police. Mom! Hold them off. What are you doing? Run away. Stop right there. Where are you going? No. Where are you going? – I’m not trying to go. – Go back! – Where are you going? – I’m not trying to go. What are you doing? You’re breaking our living place in public? – Do you know… – Calm down! Listen. I’ll sue you. I’ll call the police. This is a search warrant. Calm down. Liu Zeguang, the person subject to enforcement. We’re judges from the Enforcement Department of the Qinggang Court. We’re here to find out if you’re willing to pay compensation. If you continue to be intentionally out of touch, we won’t rule out compulsory execution. Sir. I was not intentionally out of touch. I’m depressed. I get depressed when I hear the phone, so I can’t even turn it on. And of course, I want to compensate, but I don’t have any money. I don’t have a job, an income, or any savings. It’s a bit embarrassing, to be honest. I’m having trouble even with meals. I’m barely surviving because of my friends’ help. How can I pay for it? How can I pay for it? With my life? Besides, Ren Xue is still alive after the hit, isn’t she? Even if I have to pay for her life, it’s not the right time. You’re young but look like a scoundrel. We’ve got the basic information about you. You said you don’t have any property. That’s not true. At least, your Maserati is currently worth a lot of money. You can’t get away with it. I’d forgotten if you hadn’t told me. It’s gone. The car’s gone. The Maserati is gone. Don’t move. I didn’t. I’m getting something. The car was hit too hard. It’s a write-off. Here’s the report. [Scrap Car Recycling Certificate] So you were prepared for this. I underestimated you. Liu Zeguang. For refusing to fulfill the effective judgment, we are now detaining you. Go. What are you doing? Why do you arrest me while my car is scrapped? Let go of me! Look at this. This is dated 31st May. [31st May] It’s after the court’s judgment. What do you mean? I don’t understand. Don’t understand? Ye Xuan, tell him. According to Article 114 of the Civil Procedure Law and Article 188 of the Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, if a person transfers, sells, or destroys property after the legal document has taken effect, making it impossible for the court to execute the judgment, the people’s court may, depending on the seriousness, impose a fine and detention. If it constitutes a crime, it will be held criminally liable. Do you understand? Take him away. – Go. – Go. Mom. – Don’t take him away. Let him go. – Don’t move. Let go of my son! Listen to me. Ms. Zhang Yan. If you continue to obstruct us in our duties, we can also take coercive measures. Take him away. – Go. – Go. Mom. Mom. Call the old man and tell him to save me. – Go. – Mom. Get out of here. Don’t be afraid, son. I’ll do something for you. Calm down. We’ve already paid for Yongkang in full. How do we account for the extra 1.327 million in wages? That’s the CFO’s business. Do you want to tell me that we shouldn’t spend the 1.3 million? A company is not a charity. You taught me that. That’s right. Business is about profit. Have you thought about why I’m paying Yongkang’s unpaid wages? Because I wanted to do Shen Sifang a favor, but why should I do Shen Sifang a favor? Because I want to do Mayor Chu a favor. Don’t forget that Shen Sifang is Mayor Chu’s former First Secretary. If we did a favor for Mayor Chu, it was the same as cooperating with the government and fulfilling its mission. Morning Light Plaza can’t work without government support. Then tell me now. Is this 1.327 million worth it? Look, how’s this place? It’s quite nice, but it’s a bit far from the downtown. It’s too chaotic in downtown now. I just want to find a quiet place. I rented Tianhu for fifteen years. Let’s continue. Liu Zeguang had a position at Chuanhe Logistics but no work. Zhang Yan said his father just gave Liu Zeguang a job to put that guy under his watch, but in less than half a year, he was fired. Liu Chuan fired Liu Zeguang? A father fired his son? Rumor has it that Liu Zeguang always played games during work hours. It was a bad influence, so Liu Chuan fired him. Anything else? Over the past few years, Liu Zeguang’s account has been making millions every year. We found out through a reverse search that since 2018, Zhang Yan has been selling a house every year and transferring all the proceeds to Liu Zeguang. Several million for one house. Could he have spent that much in a year? So I think that’s the first suspect. Liu Zeguang spends millions a year, so normally, he would have left at least watches, diamonds, cars, or other luxury items, but we investigated and found he left nothing. That’s not normal. Do you think he… I ran a urine test on him right away. It was negative. He didn’t use drugs. And I contacted the public security authorities. He doesn’t have a history of drug use either. What are you going to do next? There are two breakthrough points. Firstly, the apartment Liu Zeguang is living in is not rented by him. The renter’s name is Sun Xinxin. We must find out the relationship between Sun Xinxin and Liu Zeguang. Secondly, the car. The Maserati that caused the accident has never been seen by any of us. We must find the car, even if it is a write-off now. Ouyang Lulu knows much about cars. Put her on the case. Liu Chuan! Come out! Why are you hiding, Liu Chuan? Come out! Are you still a man? Come out! Ms. Zhang, take it easy. What’s the matter? You know what it is. I’m looking for Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan, come out! Your phone’s off, and you’re not even home. Are you still a man? Pretending to be missing? Do you care about your son? Come out! Ms. Zhang. Mr. Liu isn’t here. When he left, he said you didn’t need to see him. What? Mr. Liu. I’m really busy in the downtown today. I have to go back. Here’s the key. Stay as long as you like. Lock the door for me when you leave. ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face it♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Fighting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪